do girls really care about...

ladyrose93 @ladyrose93
commented on
do girls really care about...
ladyrose93 @ladyrose93
It all depends on the girl really. I mean my friend heather always says that its what on the inside that counts, and I trust her. because you have to think that looks fade away :)

Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
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do girls really care about...
Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
I had no luck with women/girls up untill i hit 19, whatsoever.
not a kiss, not single hand held, nothing.
Then i shaved my head leaving a Mohawk, tore up my jeans, and lit up a joint, and for the next 6 years i had a BLAST, lots of crazy girls not caring about all that shallow crap, and just looking for a good time ^^
Eventually i relapsed and couldnt keep up the charade anymore, was loosing myself to this false persona i had created to enjoy a social life, and so it fell apart and i became a Hikkikomori.
But hell at least it worked for a while right?
I for one, have no regrets.

eastrid @eastrid
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do girls really care about...
eastrid @eastrid
I feel ya there Hikkikomori, but my thing is I can date and do all that. The only thing is I hid the fact that I love Anime and all that. So now I don't know where to begin to find a women that's really into the stuff that I am that I hidden from everyone and myself.
This is how I finely found this site, but there's no girls in the area I live in, and I don't think I could handle a internet thing.

Lamby @momoichi
commented on
do girls really care about...
Lamby @momoichi
daaawwww XD no thats adorable :D and what u lack in looks u just have to make up for in personality :P! the right girl wont be into u just for ur looks ^_^ but personally u look cute ^_^

NoLongerActive @josapswanzi
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do girls really care about...
NoLongerActive @josapswanzi
Honestly dude, I've pulled off girls that i thought were way out of my league. You must be coming off too strong. Just sit back relax if it happens it happens. I see so many guys on here posting on every new chicks wall with only one intention in mind then they start hounding the hell out of them until they reply and they wonder why they are not successful. If getting a Girlfriend was easy as saying "Hi, nice to meet you lets go on a date this weekend" then there would be no lonely soul ever. 10x in a 3 month means your pretty much finding a new girl almost every week. So you blow your chances with the previous one that way. Girls do keep track of your next move after their first rejection. You move on that fast then you were just another statistic "Death by motorbike"-Haruko Haruhara
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