You know my name, but not my story...

Casper @casper
You know my name, but not my story...
Casper @casper
:P Hey. My name is Christian. I am brand spanking new here. I know none of you yet but somehow I care about every single last one of you.
I don't know much of what is going on here because i'm new but one of the most longest and popular threads right now is about some kid freaking out and ditching this site because of bullies.
:) I plan on sticking around here but im aware of the possible shady people lurking around the corner.
I don't know. I'm typing this on the spot. Please excuse my bad spelling and stuff.
The long thread of the guy freaking out reminded me of a video series that I watch on a video sharing site. People share their secrets in the videos. It's a anti bullying type of project. I thought maybe I could do something like that but in writing? I don't know. This was not well thought out. Im rambling.
Deep down im scared. I may act brave but im shaking deep down. Im scared most of the time. I know how the insecure and nervous feel like because I have personally been there myself. Im doing better now but it took me a long time to get to the point of me being fine.
I still get anxiety but I can manage it fairly well now. Like I have some anxiety writing this post but its pretty small.
The point of this thread is to remind people that they are not alone in feeling unsure about stuff. And also to remind people that there are living people behind computer screens.
Some of my secrets are.
Im transgender.
I used to self harm.
I have been raped.
I used to skip school a lot when I was younger.
I used to be in a occult.
Pushing people away was my best talent as a youth.
Im still scared of the dark.
I got trust issues.
Those are a few of my secrets. I know some of them are extreme but maybe some people here can relate to atleast one or 2 of them.
Everyone has secrets. My life is getting better. Im not super depressed anymore. Life does get better. I promise you that life does indeed get much better. It may sound cliche but it's true.
I have no clue about how much trolls are on this site but maybe you should think twice next time you try to troll someone. Some people are going through their own personal hell and you may just make their life a tiny bit worst by being a douchebag to them.
Someone committing suicide is a EXTREME VERY EXTREME case of the affects of cyberbullying but it is still very possible. If nothing else, you may ruin someone's lovely day or even week by being a jerk to them online. I doubt in a normal case that a troll would get someone to kill themselves BUT again it is fairly possible and has occurred before.
The words you type and say have power. Negative and positive power. Most people wont care about some internet troll bullying them but there are indeed some sensetive people out there. Do you really want to maybe hurt someone?
:) I bet 99% of the otakus on here are lovely people inside and out. I got faith in humanity. The world can be a very bright place.
I dont know. Im rambling on and on. Emotional music is blasting in my room as I type every word of this post.
I just want to get a positive message across to all of you. IT GETS BETTER.
Im here if anyone ever wants to talk. I will even speak to a bully if they need to talk. Kill people with kindness.
Does anyone else maybe want to share some of their secrets? Feel free to really. :) <3
If your going through a hard time than ask for help. I did
and it got better for me...

Casper @casper
commented on
You know my name, but not my story...
Casper @casper
R.I.P. Amanda Todd

Juveh @juveh
commented on
You know my name, but not my story...
Juveh @juveh
that poor girl....I remember her story.

Casper @casper
commented on
You know my name, but not my story...
Casper @casper
Her story is hauntingly terrifying but that is the reality for many young people now days.

Juveh @juveh
commented on
You know my name, but not my story...
Juveh @juveh
I remember that the bully was even from another country If I remember

Casper @casper
commented on
You know my name, but not my story...
Casper @casper
I am not sure. The story wouldof made me cry even more if I looked into it in deep depth

Casper @casper
commented on
You know my name, but not my story...
Casper @casper
I think your right

Key @key17
commented on
You know my name, but not my story...
Key @key17
Well first welcome to MO.
It's usually a quite and friendly place, but we've been having some issues with trolls lately. We're currently trying to work towards a solution, but until then, trolls might pop up hare and there, trying to stir chaos.
Either way, make friends and and have fun. That's the point of the site after all.

Casper @casper
commented on
You know my name, but not my story...
Casper @casper

Key @key17
commented on
You know my name, but not my story...
Key @key17
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