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is using the word god overused?

Mar 18, 15 at 5:30pm
Hey now, don't overreact. It's okay. :/
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Mar 18, 15 at 5:34pm
I-I'm not even gonna question that ...since you've already mentioned it on Skype and all.
Mar 18, 15 at 5:35pm
double up.
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Mar 19, 15 at 9:01pm
It was a girl. And she quit because people were going against her in ALL her threads. Childish, I know, but what can we do. It's become hard for religious people like myself to defend it lately, especially since history has shown that it brings more bad than good time and time again. Still, it doesn't deter me from being religious. I don't see why I should force my beliefs on others, and the good it brings me in particular, far outweighs the bad.
Wait... I don't understand... was she responding to me with the "1.2.3" point-post? I was just answering her questions ..
Mar 19, 15 at 9:50pm
Most likely. Don't worry about it though, she was just on the defensive, which isn't an appropriate stance when making this kind of thread. She should have expected some backlash.
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