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Hey girls...What things do you hate about guys?

I hate when men complain about friend zoning (people won't always reciprocate your feelings, it happens), or those who serious buy into the toxic hyper-masculinity that is in nearly all modern societies like that whole red pill bullshit or paul elam. Also for disclosure, I very much identify myself as a feminist. Just so that's out of the way :p
Is the simple mention of the word "friendzone" enough to guarant calling someone a feminist?
@Key, I was really referring more towards the latter part of my response, but hey, who knows
@xueli I totally agree. I'm always seeing guys complain online how they get friendzoned or teasing other for getting friendzoned... It's not unmanly, if anything it's most gentlemanly if the guy can understand such feelings. They should be grateful that they are even still appreciated as friends, and not completely pushed away. From my experience with the friends who I had friend zoned in the past, we became even closer afterwards, because we had a mutual feeling about it and communicated our feelings properly. We cherished the time together, but both feel we had even funner time as just friends.
Friendzone is a thread worth it's own as I think it is an overly and improperly used term. I have been on both sides of such transactions and it is more than just rejecting someone. It is not always intentional or out of malice but when it is... There is a reason for a strong reaction to such concepts. Kohagura - "They should be grateful that they are even still appreciated as friends," is one reason for the negative reflex.
@Kohagura, I've definitely have had both positive and negative reactions from people I've friend zoned. And hoooo boy, the negative reactions can get pretty freaking negative. Like I knew this one guy (I've written about him here I'm sure) who legit lost his shit and ranted to me and every one of our mutually friends about how I'm a bitch who used him, how he's such a "nice guy" and how he did so much stuff for me and now I owed him. I'm pretty much like.... wtf just happened? This guy who I had considered a really good friend just went all Jekyll and Hyde on me.
@xueli Aw, that sounds like the only negative guy I had to deal with too... I wanted to just be friends again, because it felt wrong to be so intimate, but he took is so badly and became violent and even threatened to hurt me and people who aren't even involved at school(whom he suspected of convincing me to breakup with him). @_@ My teachers had me transfer schools because of him, advised me not to talk to any old classmates for safety's sake, and he was sent to a mental hospital. He'd blackmail me and stuff too. There also were so many hackings of my messenger accounts back then too. It got so bad that I had to get a restraining order, and once that(somehow) expired, he came to my house and man that freaked me out so badly. I still have nightmares about it to this day. Since he can technically come to my house without any punishment... He hasn't so far though, so I really really hope he's forgotten about it and just moved on. Some guys just can't deal with anything touching their big egos, or have serious mental issues. I think he was bipolar or something, from what he said, but I never knew it would turn that badly. IT was sad because he really was cool as a friend... I think he was majorly possessive once we got together, though.
Sound awful what some of you have gone through. Well I only have once being "friendzoned" but I'm just honest and I can't deal with that as in I prefer not to see that person at all. If I love someone who then says lets just be friends the feelings of real love just don't go away for that person in an instant. Although I don't agree that these people should go mental about it ofc not, but I do think if girls notice that the guy really likes you then you should say it right away. If the guy go's mental then you know it was not a good friend to begin with. But if he does not go mental don't be surprised he does not want to be with you any more. A lot of guys won't admit it but sometimes the guy is more emotional about a relationship status then the girls. So I don't think a guy should be judged if all he does is not wanting to be near you or even not speaking at all with you. Those that go mental I say good riddance to them since it shows their true colors.
Yeah, I don't think "friendzoning" bothers a type of guy that just occasionally gets friendzoned. The guys that are bothered by being friendzoned, as I understand it, are the guys that get friendzoned in every single relationship/ almost every relationship they have with a female. They are always just seen as a friend and a woman is never romantically interested in them, no matter how hard they try. They feel as a result that the large number of female friends they have accumulated is a sign of failure to get women interested in them. In no way do I condone going "mental" over that though.
I am a guy of course and some of the things you guys are talking about are just ridiculous, selling your kidney come on. But what I seem to see most of you complaining about is that we as a gender are sexually driven, and sorry to say but thats not going to change. That can be a good thing or a bad thing depending how you look at it and you should use it to your advantage. Most men will go extremely far to have sex with someone they are attracted to. Including buying things, doing things they hate, things that are dangerous, begging, tricks lol, you name it we will embarrass and degrade ourselves pretty far. I am not really a sexually oriented guy but my best friend is and I have seem him do some sad things for sex. Coming from someone who isn't sexually driven I have to say that women make this an issue as well though. If I have gone on a few dates and have not made a sexual advance women assume that means I am not attracted and it usually ends the new relationship. Most men are simple minded, Im not sure why women have such an issue with us.
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