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Hey girls...What things do you hate about guys?

I dont really hate men so I wouldnt use the word hate. I have more guy friends than girlfriends so more like super perverted men an guys that are super blunt, like some things just shoulnt be said. Ive been harassed since my second year of middle XD so some things dont bother me anymore. But ive gotten the common questions like do you suck dick? Or after I give this guy my number he asked me when are you going to let me smash? I dont really speak that lingo. Ive been locked in a classroom by guy im pretty sure was trying to rape me but in a playful way im not sure which is truly sad XD. Also some guys that dont take rejection well lash out which is really cruel I have feelings too dammit. Lets see any other complaints oh dont tell me to judge other girls our look at women shaking their azz in my face some times maybe XD but come on. Other than the pigs out there I have no other complaints. Men arnt so bad women (^_^).
Ladies, remember that this is not about 'hating' men, but 'things you you hate' about men.
Isnt that the same thing XD I would use the word dislike.
Lol femenist show yourselves
Tri, Hating is hating just to hate without much cause or need for it, Sometimes none at all. This topic is what you hate about men in general, or a specific type of man.
I get it I get it chillax luvs. XD Thanx for the enlightenment.
Damn that phrase works
I can say what I despise about guys with the mindset of a middle school boy. *Lying for no good reason/lack of honestly *Many are not committed to one woman *Many don't have respect for women *Lack of loyalty *Influenced easily by society *Most are taught to be the man of the family and/or house and to be tough, not actually showing who they really are. *Gay slurs that are overused *Manners, oh, manners... I can't really blame guys for all of it because we learn majority everything for someone or something, but I partially blame the horrible influences in this world. I really don't want to have these opinions but every guy I really know is either book smart but not very experienced or not experienced at all and hardly book smart. I do hope that one day I find a person that stimulates my positive and lovely thoughts, but it will be hard considering I'm graysexual/grayromantic
That's middle school male mentality? Damn no wonder I didn't fit in hahahaha.
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