Good day all~

wosor @wosor
Good day all~
wosor @wosor
Hello every one!!!
I hope I can make many friends here and have a super time ^^. Mmmm not sure how to break the ice so how about any one can ask me questions ^^

Hyera 혜라 @hyera
commented on
Good day all~
Hyera 혜라 @hyera
Hello~ Welcome to mo ^.^

wosor @wosor
commented on
Good day all~
wosor @wosor
Thank you thank you ^^

ametiev @ametiev
commented on
Good day all~
ametiev @ametiev
hey, nice to meet you

walter @walter
commented on
Good day all~
walter @walter
Hello there

Shavane @shavane
commented on
Good day all~
Shavane @shavane
welcome to MO! any question huh, since your picture looks like a guy killing someone: what is the best place to hide the body? :P

nikita_13 @nikita_13
commented on
Good day all~
nikita_13 @nikita_13
Welcome to MO!
Enjoy your stay!

Manga_bird @manga_bird
commented on
Good day all~
Manga_bird @manga_bird
Please, enjoy your stay ^ ^*Kt9dxTBze6aUtZ1viiS28dKvgYJJkQ-kfY5ECmBDuECfng2N3L5qhonMO5lnMu3T*/1wel.jpg

wosor @wosor
commented on
Good day all~
wosor @wosor
@TTA Vice-Commander:Shavane
Well the shadow realm is always good or is the purple realm

wosor @wosor
commented on
Good day all~
wosor @wosor
HIIII every one thanks ^^ I hope we all get along well ~
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