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Asking someone out Guys vs. Girls

Well there is no silver bullet solution to these things. It is so dependent on the people and situation. Manga - I know what you mean, had a few where we were just hanging out a lot and hooked up out of the blue. I have asked many girls out and had a few ask me out. Now days it is a little more common to see both I think, which is good IMHO.
I've always asked guys out basically by flirting and becoming close. I think it all always starts with friendship, getting close, spending time together and then everything just happens. Just do what you feel like doing, life is too f*** short!
Most girls tend to overthink the possible outcomes ....
for guys i guess they are afraid of rejection im not sure i only tried to ask a girl irl out once and was rejected but meh oh well at least i tried
@tashina yup! yup!
Mar 09, 15 at 10:51am
@DarkuSchneider Frustration? From me? What do you mean?
From my experience, some guys are just to afraid of rejection to just straight up ask. Especially otaku guys. They leave little hints. A message here, a gift there, until they feel that the odds are in their favor. Maybe we shouldn't try to rush in a relationship so quickly, just so we won't feel alone. Take our time and talk to girls and become friends. It's good practice.
It's obvious most worry about rejection, Myself included, Though I've learned that fear of rejection is worse then rejection, For one reason, Fear of rejection never ends until you ask or get over it. My way of courting is to always become friends with them first and learn about them first, By the time I ask them out I'm already comfortable talking with them and with the consequences.
i'd say if you like someone just go for it, regardless of gender. Heck if any girl wanted to ask me out i'd probably say "sure let's go on a date and get to know each other" if I wanted to ask someone out I am direct. What's worse that can happen? Rejection? blah there are so many people out there, someone is there just for you. If you don't try at all then you will not have anyone.
Personally, I'm really shy and introverted, so it's hard for me to talk to guys I'm attracted to about my feelings. I can talk to them about everything but my feelings, so I ether tell them by text or email or something...
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