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For the guys looking for girls

I know there are a lot of guys here trying to find their otaku girl. I know these same guys tend to be shy, introverted, and are afraid to be rejected. Your going to have to get over it guys. I'm no heart throb myself, but you have to send out messages, something other then " hey, how's your day" or "how's it going". Open up, flirt, fail, get back up and try again. Once again, I'm no love doctor and I'm not the best at this, but I do try, just hope others can do the same.
Mar 03, 15 at 9:54am
You know, I'm 200% certain all of them have heard this stuff multiple times throughout their life. They're just incapable of admitting that the fault might also lie on them not being willing as opposed to society deeming otakus in general unworthy of having girlfriends. I love anime as much as the next one but you guys need to seriously get your heads off the clouds and realize that just because you like anime and you're a 'good person' doesn't mean a waifu is gonna fall on your lap just by magic.
Mar 03, 15 at 10:25am
FATALITY just kidding, but I do have to agree with @TheKey.TheOne.TheOnly on this
I agree with key, the reason they say good guys finish last is because they are wallflowers and afraid of rejection, meanwhile every other guy is more then willing to put their selves out there.
Mar 03, 15 at 10:41am
well the 'Nice guys finish last' thing is vastly exaggerated, but it does illustrate the point well.
I think it's as bad as the phrase " friend zoned". Both just excuses used to pass the blame
I appreciate what you're trying to do here Sora - unfortunately it is as people like Key and Mumbling are stating. I'm just here to make friends who share a similar interest. I got waaaaay to much going on in life to keep me busy. Still need to find time to get my anime fix in every now and then though.
i've been on dating websites for 2 years now.. sent tons of messages with more then just hi or hello..... out of those year i've only ever gotten 3 back. i usually anaylize thier profiles and try to gauge them into a conversation with it...
To be fair women usually get a ton of messages via dating sites, and not all of them are from stand up men. I occasionally send messages out to try and see if there is a possible friendship, but, at the same time I am not going to be hurt if there is no response. Women have it off a lot worse than men in these situations - trust me.
Huh... And yet, when I used to use dating sites I had at least a %75 rate of responses and over %50 would exchange numbers. I'm certainly no looker... It's when I stopped looking that I actually found my current girlfriend. Try not caring and just treating women like they're, I don't know...human. To many expect online to be like a vending machine and forget that there is an actual human behind the screen.
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