Stop watching anime!

☆ Haruka Kasugano ☆ @snorlax
Stop watching anime!
☆ Haruka Kasugano ☆ @snorlax
Do you think you will ever stop watching anime? are you too old for it tell me how you feel people does todays society accept us?

sushie @sushie
commented on
Stop watching anime!
sushie @sushie
I think I'll never stop watching it to be honest. I actually think I'll be encouraging my kids to have it if ever I get married XD I'd tell them about Luffy and his crew and let them watch the whole thing or else they are grounded.
My friends know that I love animes and I'd call myself really addicted to it and I think they're cool with it.
ANIME IS LIFE! and FEELS don't forget about the FEELS.

eand0802 @eand0802
commented on
Stop watching anime!
eand0802 @eand0802
I don't think I'm ever going to stop waching it

kaneki_ken @kaneki_ken
commented on
Stop watching anime!
kaneki_ken @kaneki_ken
nope high chance i wont, i would only stop if the industry was full of crap anime

r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
commented on
Stop watching anime!
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
If anything, I'm trying to watch more anime. Society's acceptance can suck it!

gero_b3llum @gero_b3llum
commented on
Stop watching anime!
gero_b3llum @gero_b3llum
I agree. ANIME IS LOVE, ANIME IS LIFE! I also believe that I would show my kids anime because cartoons these days are trash. And lastly, I know there are some people who say "ANIME'S GAY, YOU RETARDS!" and whatnot, but there are also cases where people are respectful about it. In fact, I have a mixture of both kinds of people at my school. Some never fail to call me gay when I'm sporting an anime T-shirt, but I don't mind, because there are those who respect my interests. One of them my principal, who actually accepted my written proposal form to make an anime club :)

nikita_13 @nikita_13
commented on
Stop watching anime!
nikita_13 @nikita_13
I'll stop when I go blind. As far as anyone else accepting that or not, it will never mean anything to me. Considering how much time and effort the non-anime fan part of society spends on shows like Game of Thrones, House of Cards, CSI, Lost, the Fast and Furious, Star Wars or Star Trek franchises, or every reality show to have been on, not a single person has a leg to stand on as far as if they accept any of us watching anime. The most effective counter I've found has been asking what's the difference between anime and live action shows, and almost every time the answer has been "it's not real". My reply to that has been asking them what is real in the tv series or movies they enjoy. Watching them struggle to find an answer is the amusing end of the debate.

mr_ambig @mr_ambig
commented on
Stop watching anime!
mr_ambig @mr_ambig
Doubtful my interest in Anime will ever change, however, as I get older the genre of anime I watch may differ.

Queen Fancy @fancycosplayer6
commented on
Stop watching anime!
Queen Fancy @fancycosplayer6
Fuck no! >:3

Key @key17
commented on
Stop watching anime!
Key @key17
Give me one actually good reason why I should stop.
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