What's your thoughts on much older otaku (like/dislike, date, scared of:)?
yaasshat @yaasshat
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What's your thoughts on much older otaku (like/dislike, date, scared of:)?
yaasshat @yaasshat
Round and round we go. Where we stop, nobody knows.
DarkuSchneider @darkschneider
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What's your thoughts on much older otaku (like/dislike, date, scared of:)?
DarkuSchneider @darkschneider
Being one of the older Otaku here I have mixed feelings on it. I am a bit old fashioned and prefer a smaller age gap but acknowledge my interests and preferred life style sku me towards younger women. Yes the pretty fresh 18yr girls can turn heads but I remember what they were like(no offense girls); almost useless in serious relationships and worth little more than eye candy/ego food in bed. They are not yet real women.
I can find hot women that like my hobbies around my own age but they have kids, major issues, or are too tied down by the world and have little spark left in their eyes. I typically wont consider someone below 25 as they need to be on their own life path and matured some. I dated older women some between HS and college and it has it's perks when one party knows how to do everything already. That also can become a problem for some and an advantage that is easily abused by others. They know what they want and exactly how to get it. Older men who became professionals have an advantage with the college girls I have noticed. They have the means to offer adventure and fun right now. Fortunately I do not listen to the reptilian parts of my brain anymore so I am long out of the F everything that moves phase. The clarity is a blessing and a curse sometimes.
Super Saiyan goku187 @goku187
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What's your thoughts on much older otaku (like/dislike, date, scared of:)?
Super Saiyan goku187 @goku187
@DarkuScheider I know the struggle believe me. Though when it comes to older otaku females they are usually more friendlier than the younger ones. It just seems like that is the norm with that.
Key @key17
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What's your thoughts on much older otaku (like/dislike, date, scared of:)?
Key @key17
genma314 @genma314
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What's your thoughts on much older otaku (like/dislike, date, scared of:)?
genma314 @genma314
This account has been suspended.
yaasshat @yaasshat
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What's your thoughts on much older otaku (like/dislike, date, scared of:)?
yaasshat @yaasshat
Huh... Kind of did a matrix on that bullet.
Rain @rainx
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What's your thoughts on much older otaku (like/dislike, date, scared of:)?
Rain @rainx
Its not easy being an oldtaku i.e. north of 30 with so many girls into your interest who are usually well under 25 and not interested in dating someone 10+ years their senior, at least that's been my experience since turning 30. As darku above said, a lot of women our age have a lot of social and/or emotional baggage or have zero interest in dating guys who have more geek/otaku like interests because of the "man-child" stereotype that comes along with it.
genma314 @genma314
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What's your thoughts on much older otaku (like/dislike, date, scared of:)?
genma314 @genma314
This account has been suspended.
Impact0 @impacto
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What's your thoughts on much older otaku (like/dislike, date, scared of:)?
Impact0 @impacto
I'm told my late father used to be big on anime. I think it's great!
ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
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What's your thoughts on much older otaku (like/dislike, date, scared of:)?
ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
I'm usually age agnostic when talking to people on here. It more depends on the person. The few girls I've gotten close enough to to discuss a hypothetical relationship with happen to be around 21-22. But regardless, nothing can happen and you can't really know someone well, until you spend time irl.
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