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how to make someone asexual/demisexual like you?

I'm asexual/greysexual and I am not sure what you mean by "how to get them to like you." From what I am reading, are you asking how to seduce them? I am not sure if there is way. I ask cuz you can't ever make someone like you. You can't force people to do anything. And I assume you don't mean that, so what do you mean?
I'm not trying to say something that horrible. I mean, when people like someone else they will most likely "do something" to get their attention, so... what I want to know is what kind of "something" would they do to be noticed by an asexual/demisexual person when they know they can't arouse them. That's what I'm curious about. Never once meant forcing someone to do something they don't want to, that is impossible but trying always duplicates the chances of success, I guess.
I know you didn't mean that, that's why I put:". And I assume you don't mean that, so what do you mean?"
The "something" you can do is take the first step and talk to them, like their interests, likes and dislikes, as to go out on an activity they would enjoy, do something they have never done before, like taking a class together like a cooking class or if they mention they like something and you never had interest in it, talk with them about why the like it. Stuff that I think are all platonic activities that close friends are couples can do. My boyfriend is bisexual or in some respects, pansexual and I identify as ace or gray and our flirting I suppose was just talking and getting into deep discussions. He lives in NJ and I live in CA so I could ask him out on a date.
I could only say to be a good friend but make your intentions known before too long or it may seem contrived. Even if they have little interest in sex or who it's with does not mean they are not romantic or incapable of intimacy I would think by those definitions.
I've never met so many people that are ambivalent or not interested in sex or willing to wait forever for their magical waifu... I swear there is almost an anti-sex movement going on. Back in my day, many of my friends would fuck till they were sore (my friend Ricky talked about him and his gf having sex 5 times a day, I think he was 15 and she was 14 at the time). Many of my friends had sex with over 30 people before they hit 18. I still haven't been with that many, though I enjoy sex.
Darku has the right idea.
Drug them with Viagra? Just kidding. Depends on the degree of asexuality? I know a few who are fearful of anything sexual; those are difficult to arouse. For others who are less interested in sexual stuff but not afraid to try, it's more of finding out what stimulates them. Wit? Personality? Skin contact? Personally, I'm not the type to dive into sexual stuff or get aroused easily by the usual revealing clothing, hourglass figure or makeup; personality comes first and then just being comfortable with body contact.
vampir_neko - Look-up MGTOW or the Herbivore men of Japan. There is a movement of sorts I think lol.
Well for me, guys usually do nothing to be honest. I just like them when they have this amazing personality and this traits I'm looking for in a person.
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