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how to make someone asexual/demisexual like you?

I want to know how you guys would handle these kind of persons.
Demisexual is ok for me to be honest
I'm asexual and well... in my case you could say it's mostly impossible unfortunately since an asexual is not attracted to any gender. I can't really speak for others (obviously) but it's pretty much that the word "Love" is not in my vocabulary, everything in my mind ignores the thought entierly. Friends, sure! lover, nope! sooo... well, I don't think you can find a concrete answer to if it's possible to make an asexual person to love you unless you try really. So my best tip: Just try! it won't mean the end of the world if it doesn't work but as of to how.... try making it obvious is a good start haha :P
WOW ^ is that what am? The thought had never crossed my mind. I just thought I was emotionless or something. Which cant be true im like the most caring person on earth. But I dont see love or romance its make me uncomfortable really. Is this permanent?
well, it depends really. Usually it's permanent but some ppl think they have it then suddenly they find a person and voila! you're not asexual anymore... but yeah... a "real" asexual would never legit fall in love (romance wise) with another person. and emotionless is inhuman btw, it's impossible, empathy, sympathy, care, hate, anger, happiness etc. they are all inborn. but anyways: You can be passive on the lovefront without nessecarily being asexual, but yeah if you're really asexual then its permanent :3
@ESPR Hmmm interesting, thanx for the info. Guess i'll just have to see where life takes me, because im not sure at all. That would suck I guess im not trying to be alone forever just not right not.
Just realized.... Demisexual is same as asexual just that asexual is permanent while demisexual means you have to have almost the deepest kind of relation with the person (like REALLY deep connection) :P
...asexual enjoys the romantic aspects, cuddling companionship, etc., of dating, without the sexual justifications that usually go with it. Has nothing to do with them not feeling romantically towards anybody.
Ok, I keep seeing people throw around different definitions, so here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asexuality http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=demisexual http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pansexuality Also, stop confusing romantic emotions with sexual desire. There are generally linked but not always.
As far as I know, asexual is a person that does not feel sexually attracted to anybody. Demisexual is almost the same the only difference is that the demisexual person, after liking or loving someone mentally, start to feel the normal sexual or physical attraction. That means both of them can like a person but not for looks or sex, in another words, nobody can seduce them.
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