League of Legends Players NA Server

Devsta @devsta
League of Legends Players NA Server
Devsta @devsta
Any league players that play to have fun around on this site? :)

cavsfan08 @cavsfan08
commented on
League of Legends Players NA Server
cavsfan08 @cavsfan08
I'm thinking of dling it. Is it hard to get into as a beginner?

Devsta @devsta
commented on
League of Legends Players NA Server
Devsta @devsta
It is at first but it can be easy since there is a tutorial for when you first start. If you have played any other MOBAs you should be fine. If you need some help my summoner name is the same as here, Devsta.

Yoh315 @yoh315
commented on
League of Legends Players NA Server
Yoh315 @yoh315
Yea league's loads of fun! Just don't rage xD

M u g i ❤ @stellalina
commented on
League of Legends Players NA Server
M u g i ❤ @stellalina
I love this game! I play! Usually support but I'm still in the learning phase. But I love to play! :DDD

Devsta @devsta
commented on
League of Legends Players NA Server
Devsta @devsta
Even if you are in the learning phase add me so we all can play sometime :)

vid30kidd @vid30kidd
commented on
League of Legends Players NA Server
vid30kidd @vid30kidd
I play mostly ARAM don't feel like hearing people complain in Summoner Rift.

blackmage @blackmage
commented on
League of Legends Players NA Server
blackmage @blackmage
What character are you?
Me? Definitely the troll.

Devsta @devsta
commented on
League of Legends Players NA Server
Devsta @devsta
ARAM normals etc add me if you all want to play :)

rancethevii @rancethevii
commented on
League of Legends Players NA Server
rancethevii @rancethevii
AD carry for life! Best way to play is to have your support self-sacarfice themselves for easy gold!
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