flclfan85 @flclfan85
commented on
flclfan85 @flclfan85
yeah, I've been there more often than not. I usually use music to cope, although with one break-up, I binge watched My Little Pony to get through it.
Juveh @juveh
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Juveh @juveh
I understand depression but dude...anyway I wenr through hell when I went through it and the medications they gave me made feel even worse
J.A.M. @joseph87mar
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J.A.M. @joseph87mar
Hmm.... I did .... I cope by going on walks with my dog. Only way to relax me.
crimsonsun2xseries @crimsonsun2xseries
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crimsonsun2xseries @crimsonsun2xseries
Yes, depression sucks. Best thing to do is really just literally not think about what bothers you, and excersise like Leo said is really fantastic for depression; I think if you excecised a half hour a day you'd be fine. I am lazy so I do not heed my own advice in that regard.
yaasshat @yaasshat
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yaasshat @yaasshat
Clinical depression is not as simple as a walk in the park. Ive been there done that. It's a bitch when you feel like shit no matter what and just curl up in a ball and just cry for no other reason than feeling like shit. Clinical depression is depression that last for more than two weeks and interferes with your day to day activities. Unless you've been through that kind of depression, please never think a person weak for being depressed. I've luckily grown out of it, but many have to deal with it for the rest of their lives. I'm actually glad i went through it, it built strengths in me that i might otherwise not have and proved to me just how much internal pain i can go through an conquer.
Silver Silent @cursedsilence
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Silver Silent @cursedsilence
It does suck having depression, especially growing up with it. I know for a very long time, especially during my early years of my childhood I just felt like total garbage just because it felt like I had no one there for me. Though in my experience I learned to deal with it and how to manage it better. Depression is one of those things in my opinion that no amount of medication will truly get rid of, to me it's something you have to face and deal it with yourself. I wouldn't deny that at times it does come back, but that's part of life as well. You have to be ready to face whatever comes your way and try your best to get through it.
nikita_13 @nikita_13
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nikita_13 @nikita_13
There's plenty of good advice here Rika-chan, hopefully it will help pull you through.
Princess Rika @rika_chan93
commented on
Princess Rika @rika_chan93
Thank you so much guys for sharing your experiences and for the advice. I really appreciate you all. I'll try my best to stay positive and try the things you guys suggested. I feel a bit better now that I've gone back to work. ^_^ thanks so much!
kitty_kitsune_96 @kitty_kitsune_96
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kitty_kitsune_96 @kitty_kitsune_96
I'm diagnosed with depression. I have to take meds or I have random crying fits.
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