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valentines day...worst/best day?

Well for me valentines day is the worst because im singel and every body talking about good they have it... (cry every time)
For me Valentines day is just a normal day like every other :D
@lhenira true XD let me see what do want to do today? Watch anime and play videogames muhaahh XD
Just a day that can go any way.
I'm very indifferent about it.
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i mean i don't mind the day since some places have days off on it. But why is it called presidents day. I mean i get they celebrate all the presidents. But why that day, did all the presidents do something special on that day?
for me it's just a normal day, same as any other day of the week. although it is a little depressing when i look at my news feed on Facebook to see the couple posting to they're boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife and kinda rubbing it in that i'm a singleton and have been for the last 4 years (not by choice) http://media.giphy.com/media/mZvnGCtc6DQ1a/giphy.gif
Just a normal day. :)
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