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Childhood girlfriend

Ever have a childhood girlfriend or boyfriend? share stories here xD
Feb 10, 15 at 11:43am
sure, but my family moved regularly which screwed up my ability to form long lasting relationships.
Feb 10, 15 at 11:58am
Just childhood friends :|
Feb 10, 15 at 12:40pm
Lol! Why they so weird hyera~! XD Same as hyera childhood "friends"
Feb 10, 15 at 12:45pm
I fell in love with someone at kindergarden through we were not a couple, in fact sometimes she didn't know who i was, I used to say she was my wife and her mom was my mother in law, my mother says she has a photo of us together but I don't remind we were.
Feb 10, 15 at 12:52pm
I used to have a childhood friend. We were a couple and we kissed allot lol. that sorta ended when there family moved away. We are still friends though but Ive been in the friend zone ever since haha. I guess thats why i always vote for the childhood friend to win in anime XD.
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Feb 10, 15 at 1:35pm
Why not try to contact her again, Laughingman? It sounds like you might have a shot at her if her feelings really are that strong for you. Call me a romantic idealist, but why shouldn't you *not* give it a go, eh?
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@ryuuchi xD fufu~
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