Where are all the Otaku's?!

lightningsno @lightningsno
Where are all the Otaku's?!
lightningsno @lightningsno
Is it a dieing breed or a growing one? Honestly i can't tell. On the internet i see loads of Otaku's, but then i step outside and its like were all mythical creatures afraid to show ourselves to society. Why is it so hard for me to find other ones around me?!?!?! :(

CasioMaker @otacon85
commented on
Where are all the Otaku's?!
CasioMaker @otacon85
Depends on where you live and how old you are. (At least in my case).
Here in Chile, the average Otaku is aged between 15 to 20 and normally doesn't get out much. I'm 26 and I find it kinda hard to connect with the younger generation of Otakus; I don't know.

Key @keyrunners
commented on
Where are all the Otaku's?!
Key @keyrunners
try going to anime conventions man......as for in public, you just have to be lucky as all hell for now, at least until Otakudom becomes more mainstream

Kaji @kajithevagrantsoul
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Where are all the Otaku's?!
Kaji @kajithevagrantsoul
I thought I was in the same position, but I was lucky enough to find 5 Otaku here, and some others who at least watch shows like YuGiOh. Not too bad. There could be more....
I guess you just have to search for them, or somehow "attract" other Otaku. Like for example suppose you were wearing a Death Note T-shirt. That might grab some attention. You never know if they might be willing to talk to you or not. I've had a few encounters, myself.

Kimiko @kimiko
commented on
Where are all the Otaku's?!
Kimiko @kimiko
Status: Extict (in my town T.T)
I try so hard looking for people but they just aren't out there.

there's no reason for me t @sweetmarii
commented on
Where are all the Otaku's?!
there's no reason for me t @sweetmarii
lo yeah when i tell ppl i like anime to ppl who don't watch it hey always ask so you watch cartoons....

gone @normandy
commented on
Where are all the Otaku's?!
gone @normandy
Key is right, anime conventions are a great way to meet people with similar interests near you.

lightningsno @lightningsno
commented on
Where are all the Otaku's?!
lightningsno @lightningsno
@sweetmarii, ya thats the usual reaction. especially at work :(

candycandy @candycandy
commented on
Where are all the Otaku's?!
candycandy @candycandy
haha. mythical creatures. thats the first time Ive ever heard of that interpretation of our.... race? lmao. Like most have said, cons are the best ways.
and dood... you live in Cali? thats like the best place to start. youve got AX, ALA, Fanime...youve got GREAT cons to go to. Also if you dont want to spend much money (cons can be expensive sometimes) you could always check local libraries as some of them have anime clubs, if you go to college im sure they might have an anime club. Its all about communication so if you make a couple new friends who also like anime chances are they will already have friends for you to also meet so yeah.
If you go to AX next year me and group of friends will be there. I will more than happily let you feel welcomed haha.

AKA_Zero @aka_zero
commented on
Where are all the Otaku's?!
AKA_Zero @aka_zero
:D Ahh Yes Fanime is one that I usually go to, im still pretty new to conventions, but they are a great way to find anime loving people, cuz like come on, you do have to pay to get in so you really are weeding out the people that are not so into it lolz.
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