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Five Words that will haunt me forever..

Now you're talking.
Pretty depressing read there. But, alas, as everyone has said, she's a cheater; you shouldn't have expected much, though I understand what happens when feelings take over and logic takes a backseat. It's happened to the greatest of men. Don't beat yourself up over it, though it may have been your fault. Just learn and progress. Also, no offense, but the 5 words are silly. Of course she would cheat on you, she's a cheat. Nothing personal, she'd cheat on me, too . :P
Haha I understand. The reason why I put that because after all the things I did for her, treated her with respect, when she needed someone to pick her up I was there and in the end she has the guts to say that to me
You win some, you lose some. To be honest it's probably easier that she told you than you having to experience it. Also that might of been her way of not wanting to hurt you, as she considered it an inevitability. Just looking at it from different perspectives.
But why realize that after 8 months of talking to each other? Lol. Thanks for your time in reading this everyone I deeply appreciate it. I've definitely learned from the experience and honestly if she really wanted to be with me then she would've gotten the divorce. Well she lucked out on a great guy, I'll be damned if even her bf spent 1k on her, but whatever it's over now. I only wish to find a nice girl...that's SINGLE xD and not in any sort of relationship lmao.
(cracks knuckles and hands juveh some ice for his headache) Hang in there bro lesson learned. If you have any communication lingering with this woman stop immediately. Don't say anything just don't call or answer her anymore. That may inadvertently entice her to try again, if she does, don't bite no matter what she says. The reason she moved on is you signaled you were not interested in having extramarital relationships. This is a thrill sport for some people and like any junkie they will do whatever it takes to get their fix. You made her choose, she is going to take her time on such a life altering event and come to the conclusion it's safer to find someone else that will play the game. She could have genuinely been evaluating her marriage to see if she wanted to try and save it or walk away before deciding but I doubt it if she quickly found a new boy-toy. The minute you told her no sex until she was divorced and she still lured you into the sack anyway was the moment you handed any power you might have had away. You also told her your integrity is not resilient because you did not do what you said. She knows you are controllable now which is a dangerous place to be in with the wrong person. Her saying she would cheat on you, while given, was probably a shit test to read you or hope you'd go away. If she gets caught and thrown out on her ear she may try to see if she can find a temp-chump she can control. Don't still be on her radar if/when that happens if you want any peace in your life. She needs an Alpha from the sounds of it to either dominate her or satisfy her appetites. For you she is a worthless woman since she has no word of honor, and respects no bonds. I would not even keep that around for a dungeon toy, even for a real dog. Anyone can be attracted to someone at any time. It will happen to you countless times in your life even if you are already with someone and love them a bunch. People are often slaves to their desires because they don't believe they can exercise control even while intoxicated. This is partially untrue and is a cop-out barring extreme situations. People often cheat because they don't have the courage to end or try to fix a relationship the right way. They would rather end it on some 'stupid mistake' than acknowledge why their relationship was so bad they had to go elsewhere for intimacy in the first place. I knew someone in HS that did exactly this because he could not own his emotions and desires, only feed them. Unsurprisingly, when he got out of HS and started settling down he realized how much work he had to do because he was incapable of commitment and unable to have normal relationships for a while cause he never learned. Never get involved/court someone if they are in a relationship. You are telling them you don't value commitments and they will take note of it when the time comes they question their loyalty to you. This goes both ways. If you are in a real open relationship you probably have the details and boundaries worked out already, you should. If you are in an exclusive relationship and want to open it up to other partners have the courage to face your partner and talk to them. If you are both mature, you should be able to evaluate your relationship objectively. You may find out sharing deepens your bonds with your partner and resolves the issue that made you think about others without bringing in outsiders, or it solves your commitment problem real fast. If you are exclusive and want to take it open, this is the gamble you must face. It is not always easy to suddenly hear you are no longer enough but it is far better than finding out the other way or living in silent misery until something changes for the worst usually.
^^ I have surprised myself by reading that entirely. I agree that mature partners can foster a special relationship, perhaps even stronger than most, by having an open relationship. Personally, I'd never try it. But do you think that those kinds of people would be more or less predisposed to cheat after the relationship goes exclusive? I'd sure like to know that. & Also, Juveh, as someone mentioned here, you should look at it as a blessing that she told you flat out instead of straight toying with your emotions further only to cheat on you. I had a woman I had loved madly and for about a year straight she still flirted with other men on the side without me having any single idea of that even being a possibility. I had to find out when she left me for this kid who looks just like me. So, evidently, my looks were okay, it was just the personality. I'm sure me not giving her any sex had something to do with it, too. xD
she wasn't mature at all. All she wanted was attention and she got it. Then when she was done playing with me she threw me away like some old toy. However, as you guys said when you think you're in love, sometime logic takes a back seat.
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