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Nice guys or bad boys or mean guys???

Oh. what happen? Sound like nothing good at all. I see why you hided. I would hide too if I was attacked a lot. Ryuuchi
Go ahead and hide all you want then! I hate this kind of things.
Th-thanks D:
Hmm...For me I just tend to find the nice guys are gay, already taken or not interested, and the guys I've dated so far have been on the mean side I guess ¬ ¬
I used to find myself attracted to the mean guys.
Why where you attracted to mean guys? Usagimodoki Manga_bird.
Feb 08, 15 at 8:08pm
@Manga_bird Hey! I'm not gay!
Lol, all the boys in the thread start raising their hands "I'm nice, I'm single!" But really, I seem to fall for the complicated girls with issues. Though I'm open to the idea of a relationship with any girl (or passable MtF/feminine FtM) that's intelligent, creative and sensitive. But many of the girls I meet here are younger and inexperienced (even many in their 20s) and are often "not ready" (in their words) for something serious. I'm willing to travel anywhere in the continental US for a sufficiently serious (potential) relationship but it's still a challenge to find someone I'm compatible with.
Feb 08, 15 at 8:24pm
@ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ vampire_neko what can we do?! we're desperate!
Just be more casually social. Any hint of desperation is the biggest turn off for most girls, lol.
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