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Nice guys or bad boys or mean guys???

Ok so I'm a nice guy I think. I always try to treat women nicely and act like a gentlemen, but it feels like girls either don't like me for being nice or they say they like nice guys who treat them right, but then date jerks. So my question is do girls like nice guys like me?
I like nice guys as long as they are nice to me. I will be nice back too. Your a nice guy have more confidence in your self. I like confidence more then anything else.
@luffy I know what you mean bro
There's a whole stigma attached to guys who claim to be "nice guys" apparently, that I only found out about recently. Mostly from not so nice guys claiming to be nice guys and giving actual nice guys a bad rep. I am differentiating between guys that are just nice vs "nice guys". Also psychologically speaking, girls want a strong capable guy and "nice guys" sometimes get taken advantage of so subconsciously girl don't tend to like nice guys as much as pseudo bad boys.
Well how exactly are you a nice guy? I mean, what you've said above is basically that you're a decent human being. Most people are decent human beings. It's a good thing, don't get me wrong, but it's not particularly something that would make me pay attention to someone. If we reverse it and a girl is just being nice to you, are you gonna be attracted to her just because she's being nice to you, or because she's fun/makes you a better person/good chemistry/similar ideals/etc?
I feel you bro
^and xueli is the one who did go on a rant about "nice guys" awhile back.
Feb 08, 15 at 12:26am
Well it's nice to be the nice guy, but it's not like we're a dying race or anything. It's one more quality to add to your repertoire, but it won't win you the war, if you know what I mean.
Everyone says/thinks they're nice, including some really horrible people, so it doesn't really mean that much I think. Maybe if it's coming from other people, but even then a lot of people will call you nice just to be polite so that don't really help things much either. I dunno, but rather than telling people you're nice it's probably best to show and prove it instead. Actions speak louder than words as they say. but yeah above all the confidence thing is the real deciding factor. Girls will pick assholes who will use & abuse them over nice guys just based on their confidence level. So just don't question yourself, be assertive and shoot for what you want, if you can do that while still being nice I think you'd probably be gold.
@vamp Haha I did. Actually I think I've talked about it a couple of times on here since this topic seems to pop up a lot :p But yeah, just based on my experiences and those of other people I know, I do kinda automatically grimace whenever I see the term "nice guy" when in conjunction with "friendzone"
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