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Giving/Receiving Facials

Oh lord lmao well good luck with that XD
Leo, did I say I was? I was just picking on the guy. He'sa big boy and I'm sure he can handle it. But, getting back to that, honestly, christians are to not so much judge other Christians as to help them and a good chunk is leading by example...soooo...yeah.
Let the man live as he see's fit, He's old enough that nothing we "say" will change his lifestyle. Certainly living by example is the way to go, But that is it, Example. You show it, not say it. I just don't like it when people bring in religion to try to stop people living the way they want too.
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Feb 02, 15 at 9:59pm
Religious or not, *everyone* is judgmental. Anyways, I think it's personal preference on both ends, giving and receiving. I personally didn't like to for my ex because I didn't wanna get her hair sticky, but then she really wanted it and thought it was really hot, and that was enough to convince me to do it for her.
Feb 06, 15 at 6:19am
When the receiver is okay with it and the giver wants to.. Communication is key. In hentai logic, only if it doesn't get on the uniform?
Feb 06, 15 at 7:42am
judging by who started this thread I propose we delete it, what kind of an idiot makes giving/receiving facials thread..that's a bit personal in my opinion.
I don't think it can be deleted cause its too personal but if there's a rule to keeping questions pg-13 then maybe
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There are forums asking questions that are way worse than this and talk about r-rated stuff....i underatand that there are kids as young as 13 and such here but they are on the same site with adults and i dont think they will keep it pg-13 just because of them
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