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I'm Christian and I Love a Muslim Woman..

I understand each religion has its guidelines. She has hers and I have mines but at a point I feel if two people genuinely love each other they should be together and no one should judge them for that. I honestly feel we all worship the same thing In just a different way with different beliefs. It's pretty much written in stone that we can't be together. In no way will I ever ask her to change her beliefs or ask her to stop practicing them. I love her for being the person she is and we have so much in common and connect greatly, but family values and religion is the wall the separates us.... how do you guys feel about situations like this? ... I'm willing to make things work because I don't care what anyone thinks especially if it means me being happy, but I don't want her to be criticized or catch any backlash from it..... it sucks so much. ..
That's up to you man. It's definitely an odd circumstance, Just do what you want, Do what you think will make you happy. I don't know your values or her's, So I can't judge or give a complicated answer. Do what you think is right.- One christian teenager.
Definitely something you'd talk to her about. I'd say don't hold back if you both value love over your beliefs. It's hard to come back from losing love because of what society/beliefs tell you it's wrong and you decided to abide by it. I hold those regrets.
Thank you. That's exactly how I feel. I'd rather try to make this work and end up getting hurt instead of wondering the rest of my life what if. Because she's a keeper man....
I'll be very truthful here: it depends on..how strongly you cling to your faith. By general Islamic standards, if you marry a Muslim female/male, you have to automatically convert to her/his faith. Period, no questions/arguments. I've yet to see any exceptions to this.
Family is the main issue when it comes to contrasting religions. But you can't worry about that if you believe she is the one for you. I'm going through a similar situation too. I'm Christian and my boyfriend is Atheist. His family is Christian so I'm sure they're fine with me but I don't know how my parents feel about him. I love him regardless and I really want to make this work. So I wish you and your love well.
Thank you again. I definitely will not give up. I'm going for it and I hope she's right there with me.
I have a friend who is... well I'm not sure what she is, buddhist or atheist or whatever. But her husband is muslim and he didn't ask that she convert to his religion. So it can be done! xD
Its a little different with Islam and Christianity and Judaism than it is with a non-Abrahamic religion like Hinduism or Buddhism. The Qu'ran has a passage in it that says that the "People of the book", that is Christians and Jews, are to be tolerated and treated with respect. In intermarriage between a Christian and a Muslim, the non-Muslim partner is expected to become Muslim - which, when you think about it, shouldn't be a big deal because Jews, Christians and Muslims all worship the same god, but they call it different names: Adonai or YHWH for the Jews, God or our Lord for Christians, and simply Allah for Muslims, and have some different religious practices. For all intents and purposes, its probably best for you to consider converting to Islam if you decide to marry this woman. If your family complains, then you can get a copy of the Qu'ran and read aloud any passage also in the Bible - they're mostly identical besides semantics.
Not quite identical... But anyways... My girlfriend is an atheist I'm an agnostic and my family is as cChristian as one can be as far as belief is cconcerned. My family has made no effort to disown or put me down for my decision and me and my girlfriend also live together . There shoube no reason to convert if that is not your desire and I would suggest against it if it would only be done for her sake. Belief is a strong thing that affects more than just saying you want to convert, it's a life change just as much if not more than any relationship. If you two can't be together inspite of differing beliefs, you'll want to sit down and have a serious discussion. I have no problems being with someone who believes different from me, but I will not change just to suit them or expect that of them. As I said, a belief is more than just saying that you believe, it's a life change. There is a verse in the Bible that talks about not being unequaly yoked. Which is to say, two people with two different beliefs generally pull in two different directions, which can cause a lot of friction. It's a hard, if not impossible thing for many. Not to discourage, but even love has a hard time with things that have long since been fortified in the heart. It's just something to consider.
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