Any good latest anime of 2014/15?

LaughingBATMAN_dD @laughingman_dd
Any good latest anime of 2014/15?
LaughingBATMAN_dD @laughingman_dd
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EA1294 @corvo1293
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Any good latest anime of 2014/15?
EA1294 @corvo1293
Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu, it still airing though

Urauraura @kodevex
commented on
Any good latest anime of 2014/15?
Urauraura @kodevex
Here's a few currently airing:
Akatsuki No Yona
Death Parade
Kiseijuu Sei no Kakuritsu
Tokyo Ghoul Aa
Two that finished but I love are:
Amagi Brilliant Part
Le Fruit de la Grisaia

Sai @sai_cx
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Any good latest anime of 2014/15?
Sai @sai_cx
Watch Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic and Magi: The Kingdom of Magic!

General - kantmoo @kantmoo
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Any good latest anime of 2014/15?
General - kantmoo @kantmoo
Aldnoah Zero
The Irregular at Magic High School

. @welo
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Any good latest anime of 2014/15?
. @welo

Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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Any good latest anime of 2014/15?
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
Amagi brilliant park <3 haha
Parasyte or kiseijuu in japanese
Hmmm akame ga kill
(Not sure if it came out 2014) but black bullet
Zankyou no terror
Tokyo ghoul
Shingeki no bahamut (an amazing opening and the story was sooo good)

Ace_akai @ace_akai
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Any good latest anime of 2014/15?
Ace_akai @ace_akai
Ping Pong: The animation
Trust me on this man, the storytelling this show has is just legendary.

miyamura @miyamura
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Any good latest anime of 2014/15?
miyamura @miyamura
I really recommend Psycho Pass. I thought it was pretty amazing ^^

nesnes @nesnes
commented on
Any good latest anime of 2014/15?
nesnes @nesnes
For brand new stuff kodevex is definitely on the ball here, but they forgot a few
Junketsu no Maria
Durarara!!x2 Shou.
Yoru no Yatterman
Dog Days''
The Rolling Girls
Ansatsu Kyōshitsu
The IDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls
Saenai Heroine no Sodate-kata
Kamisama Kiss 2
There are some others out there. If you liked Revolutionary Girl Utena, then the author of that actually released a new show called Yurikuma Arashi. It's very weird.
We also have another show called Binan Kōkō Chikyū Bōei-bu Love!, which makes fun of magical girl shows. It has magical boys.
The others that are airing right now... I'd pass on them until later. There is a continuation of Kuroko no Basuke for example.
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