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So I'm Just gonna Ask!

Jan 28, 15 at 6:52pm
Nobody on here even posted their crush? I pretty much just joined a few hours ago, and haven't been on here that long since I was busy... but if I had to say someone I was crushing on... I think Ayumi would fit that profile :3 I mean who doesn't look cute as Pikachu? and that Domo hat was killer xD
Well, if I had to say, It'd have to be "Circus Ghoul". She's a real sweet heart and she's really pretty.
Well, I definitely would like to know a few more people on a more personal level (what are your dreams? Life goals? Favorite songs/music styles?) if that counts?
Havent talked to much people to decide that…
Jan 30, 15 at 2:23pm
Jan 31, 15 at 10:07am
This account has been suspended.
I've had a few, but nothing came of it.
..... Well I guess I gotta keep my reputation as a vampire clean as I fear nothing! So I guess I'll answer. I got about two that I'm actually crushing on a bit and a one or two more I'm not sure of yet, mostly because of I just met them. Hopefully if the two read this, they'll know I'm cool just staying friends, and that this doesn't change our friendships at all to me. lhenira and Kazumi (和美.
Jan 31, 15 at 1:28pm
Personally, I've met friends. No one that I'be interested in dating so far.
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