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Virgin Talk

Feb 12, 15 at 6:34pm
elder_reaper has the most balanced and realistic viewpoint here.
Feb 12, 15 at 7:22pm
elder_reaper, I've seen the results of people who sleep around casually and it doesn't instill much confidence in that type of behavior leading to successful relationships. Idealism is at the core of romance, People want to be with what they find idealistic otherwise they they're settling and when they settle they end up ultimately unfulfilled and unfulfillment doesn't lead to successful relationships. You want realism? Realism is realizing serious relationships just aren't worth the trouble. The penalties for committing to someone are high while the rewards are low. statistically single people tend to have much more sex than married couples for instance. If you really care about sex, you should stay single forever. Heck, employers look favorable on employes with none conflicting family responsibilities for being much more flexible. Another reason to stay single is the dangers of divorce, you can easily be robbed of your children and money, not to mention the emotion damage that comes with it. You can kiss your freedom goodbye while you're at it, You'll find yourself answering to someone whenever you want to go out and/or spend some money, and that's not even being wiped either. Not to mention there's the loss of freedom that comes in the event that you're unable to pay child support you might end up behind bars and you don't get much more realism than that.
Feb 12, 15 at 8:15pm
Well I guess I missed this one. Well I'm also proud to be a Virgin...
Feb 12, 15 at 8:42pm
ITT http://puu.sh/fQtTL/cf60bc1241.png
That Fedora. Hawt.
Love a good Fedora. Fedoras are cool.
Feb 12, 15 at 8:59pm
Of course they are.
Well Juveh, for one I don't believe in fate, nothing lasts forever, and I'm sure if I lived long enough I'd move on from whomever I thought was my soul-mate. Similarly my father and step mother were together for sixteen years, and then my step mother stopped being satisfied with my father, so she cheated on him. Of course, I still talk to her and maintain a healthy relationship as she raised me, dealt with me through my hardest times and always was around. She may have been a cocaine addict as well as an alcoholic, but she did a helluva job keeping me away from those things. On the other hand, my parternal grandparents have been together 51 years. Neither of them were virgins, but they weren't particularly promiscuous either. In order to stay together that long, they'd had a relationship that included premarital sex, and living together for a time prior to marriage. They've been with each other 51 years, and my grandmother raised me as much, if not more, than my mother and stepmother ( I know it sounds ghetto, but my family is the whitest family anyone's probably ever met ) and part of the reason why, according to my grandfather last year on their anniversary ( New Years Eve ) was "We screwed like rabbits in heat, and we knew what each other liked. Had your mother and father been more compatible in that regard, your father wouldn't have been tempted to cheat." So its not about how many partners you've had or not, but how compatible your partner is to you. Therefore you have to know your partner inside, and out very well before you make that decision to marry.
Yall are making this virgin thing out to be more in depth than it needs to be. If someone wants to hold out on sex, fine, that's their choice, but I'm not the kind of person to be like "I'm not going to have sex with you until we're married", and nor would I want my partner to be. Again, that doesn't mean go fucking after your first date, but (personally) holding virginity on such a high pedastal just seems silly. It's just one way two people who care about each other bond more, speaking for relationships. call me naive, but I just still don't see the... pride (?) in it.
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