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Virgin Talk

NYATSU~ IM A VIRGIN! I've actually only have had one real relationship.... And it was long distance. We started dating in September and broke up on Valentine's day..... Thats why I'm here now. =^°ω°^=
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Feb 11, 15 at 3:49pm
^ same boat as laughingman
Feb 11, 15 at 3:56pm
yup, pretty much.
There isn't anything wrong whit having some standerds as long if u dont set the bar to high for the girl's i mean i'm also a virgin 24 years old and all. women do love man whit pasion tho find somthing u love and join a club or something don't be afraid to talk to them and maybe u will find someone. also i believe in waiting for the right one is better then falling for lust. that's why i like hentai cause it's fantasy real porn just seems disgusting in away if it aint the persone that u have feelings for it kinda puts me off.
hello every one btw ^^ o/
Feb 11, 15 at 4:49pm
Hey darkflame
^ agree with darkflame
Feb 11, 15 at 8:41pm
Hi c:
Feb 11, 15 at 8:44pm
Hello ryuuchi XD what do we even talk about here lmao
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