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Cute Girls

@neet - So you think it's better to not answer someone's question because someone might get offended? Someone somewhere will always find something to get offended at. Trying not to offend anybody ever is a lost cause. I don't go out of my way to offend anybody, but I also don't go out of my way to not offend anybody, because if I did I couldn't be open and honest. I know we don't get along well because you have a strong conservative view of things and I have a very liberal view of things with a rebellious nature. (mostly stems from my enforced Catholic upbringing where I was forced to go to church every Sunday, be an alter boy and Boy Scout. And had the "No sex till marriage." view pounded into my head)
This sure got interesting.....
Jan 09, 15 at 12:06am
Nii-chan! :D
No. We're not doing this xD
Jan 09, 15 at 12:08am
Aww come on :D
Rain @rainx commented on Cute Girls
Jan 09, 15 at 12:12am
neet, that's all fine and dandy, but if you have any sort of Facebook profile, that's kinda out the door to begin with. I'm not trying to be a dick or anything, but I'm just basing this on my own experience and the reality of people being generally superficial. I'm not exempt from such things either, because at the end of the day, its hard to be in a relationship with someone your not attracted to. Not having a real pic up on a dating site (to me at least) tells me you're trying to hide something about your physical appearance you think most people don't find desirable and/or you don't have enough confidence in yourself to show other potential dates what you look like from the get go which can be an immediate turn off for some. As much as I'd love to think everyone who joins this site is great, the reality is there are plenty of people who join of which many aren't attracted to. I think its better to be open and honest about who you are from the get go instead of hiding behind some virtual façade and then having to clamor for some sort of "let down" excuse if you aren't attracted to the person once the curtain is pulled back or ignore them entirely which just ends up being more painful in the long run.
Actually I've met more people on here that are paranoid about people knowing their identity than anyplace else. I don't really get it but I also know privacy is an illusion. Unless you get online through multiple proxies to hide your ip, never register your real info for e-mail (anyone can do a reverse e-mail lookup to find whatever name it's registered under) and never use your real name, address, phone number to register for anything online. (People can find you with any of that info and once they have your name can do a full background check). Essentially it's almost impossible to hide once you are online. But most people don't even give a shit anyway to bother trying to find you. I worry more about local psychos/druggies than some random stalker 1000 miles away.
Jan 09, 15 at 12:22am
vampire_neko, I'm not saying you shouldn't answer people's questions, just maybe it wouldn't hurt to maybe rethink your wording a bit sometimes or leave out unnecessary details you know would bother most people, I dunno... I get the honest though if nothing else, it's lead me to butting heads with people here a few times already myself. Even so I've avoided responding to some topics here simply because I knew my opinions would bother people. Guess you can say I'm the type who believes sometimes if you have nothing nice to say you shouldn't say anything. I guess if that's just how you are then as they say it can't be helped. No offense indented but were I you I might take more pride in being a perv and not accept it as being something negative about yourself or try to fight it. For instance, I'm a virgin and I'm not the least bit ashamed of it even if some people out there think I should be. I guess what I'm trying to say is so what if people call you a perv? It's only a negative term if you let it be one. Just be true to yourself. btw, if you think I have some personal gripe with you I don't, just talkin that's all. and yeah it's understandable why anyone would want to rebel from that kind of strict upbringing.
Jan 09, 15 at 12:35am
Cecil, can't say I disagree. It's perfectly reasonable to assume someone is hiding something if they have no pics. I'm just saying there are exceptions is all and I wouldn't jump to conclusions. Personally though I find the ones here without real pics more interesting, but that could just be because I'm a 2D obsessed otaku. btw, I don't do facebook or twitter. You guys are right though, even if you're not a leet hacker it's still really easy to track people down online.
If you only plan to talk to someone online then I think pics are irrelevant. But if you are looking to be in a physical relationship, you can't really ignore looks and it is a form of intimacy. You could for example only share pics with certain people. But I think it makes it easier if you are looking for irl people. I am talking to a girl on here for a while now and I have never seen a pic of her or really even know who she is. I have no problems being friends with her regardless. But if she wants something more like I think I may want, then I hope she is willing to share more about herself because until then I can't commit to being more than just friends because I have already shared everything about myself.
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