anon @otakujt
anon @otakujt
So I've encountered many weeaboo in my time and I have learned to dislike them. They're just a bunch of wannabe Japanese people who treat waifu(s) like they're real and think there's a chance an "Anime World" exists. I mean, it's understandable to like anime, but it's so stupid to take anime to the grave and take every little bit of anime so seriously. I'm sure they even think Japan and anime are the cornerstones of life and everything in it basically.
All you have to do is say "Anime isn't the best thing in the world" and they'll pretty much try and kill you the moment they hear it.
Loli-ButtCuddles @riyuzaki
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Loli-ButtCuddles @riyuzaki
This account has been suspended.
Ḑ̧̖͕̖̘̱̅̊ͤ̄͒̂͘͞e̒ͫ̌̄̇ͣ͌̆͆ @devil_gene
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Ḑ̧̖͕̖̘̱̅̊ͤ̄͒̂͘͞e̒ͫ̌̄̇ͣ͌̆͆ @devil_gene
let them be
pann_am @panza
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pann_am @panza
I agree with devil-gene. It's best to just leave them be. Most weeaboos are young so chances are they'll grow out of it XD.
fatzilla @jineko
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fatzilla @jineko
Okay this is my understanding of weeaboo. One who speaks and trying so hard to act japanese/be japanese when it will never fucking happen, and that person is really doing things the wrong way. However I do agree they're annoying, but I also think it's a stage non-japanese kids go through.
example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XP5lz2CYNR4
**people who treat waifu(s) like they're real ---you can love your waifu even if you're not weeab and most Japanese otakus really take the waifu thing seriously. To treat your waifus like they're real is not necessarily being a weeaboo.
** think there's a chance an "Anime World" exists. ---don't you call this chuunibyou? To mix up reality with the 2d realm means you're being an actual otaku(though not all otakus have chuunibyou). see: http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E4%B8%AD%E4%BA%8C%E7%97%85
Although a person could be a mix of weeaboo and otaku.
O|̿ ̶̿'╮|̶͇̿ ̶͇̿ ͇̿ |͇̿ ͇̿ @oreo717
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O|̿ ̶̿'╮|̶͇̿ ̶͇̿ ͇̿ |͇̿ ͇̿ @oreo717
I have a friend who is weeaboo, but she doesn't have a waifu or that shit, but she is definitely one, she was one of the people who got me into watching anime, and I remember in lunch before she ate she would say some weird Japanese shit lol.
But I don't really mind or care, if thats what makes her happy then let her be, same with everyone and anyone with different obsessions, i dont understand why everyone has to be such a fucking hater and judge someone, as long as they aren't harming someone, i honestly dont give a fuck what they like to do.
Don't you fucking forget you weeaboo haters, or like what yall like to call each other "otaku", other people who dont like anime look at you and hate you the same way you hate weeaboos
neet-one @neetone
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neet-one @neetone
" people who treat waifu(s) like they're real "
What does that have to do with being Weeaboo?
like jineko said they're not directly related. I've known people who have waifus from western animation and videogames. believe it or not people have loved fictional characters for hundreds of years, it's not a new concept neither is it exclusive to japan, they've just popularized it.
Most people who have a waifu know they not real anyways, dreaming of going to the anime world is just a fantasy that people like to day dream about but usually don't usually seriously believe is actually possible outside of VR. People talk of going to gensokyo when they die too, but I doubt many take it seriously. Beats heaven though, that's for sure.
You also seem to be forgetting that it's pretty common place in western society for people to have waifus, they simply don't call them waifus. I'm talking about the obsessive fans of characters and celebrity.
Just as with people who have waifus they idolize or even possibly like to imagine themselves in relationships with celebrities. Think of all the girls out there that want to be married to the sparkly vampire from twilight, or all the boys who dream of being with the models they pin up on their walls. There are also people who straight up obsess over celebs to the point of being a borderline stalker. There are popular magazines and television programs made to cater exclusively to these people and it's a really huge market.
Trust me, this is coming from a guy who has spent a lot of years in a waifu community.
I've got a waifu myself and on her most recent birthday went and got her a cake and had them write her name on it. As much as I adore her and wish I could be with her, I know full well she's not real and I don't need anyone to remind me of that. I'd hardly consider myself insane for adoring and longing for a girl who is an embodiment of everything I could ever hope for and want. likewise I wouldn't look down on anyone else for hopelessly loving someone they can't be with, 2D or 3D. Having a waifu doesn't mean I wish I was Japanese and neither does it mean I think japan is the cornerstone of life.
O|̿ ̶̿'╮|̶͇̿ ̶͇̿ ͇̿ |͇̿ ͇̿ @oreo717
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O|̿ ̶̿'╮|̶͇̿ ̶͇̿ ͇̿ |͇̿ ͇̿ @oreo717
just out of curiosity, who is ur waifu?
neet-one @neetone
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neet-one @neetone
;=;e, Naisho.
Key @key17
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Key @key17
In my opinion, weaboos aren't all that bad. Speak Japanese if you like, that's one more language to your repertoire. Have posters and figurine, who cares, it's your room. What I think is cringe worthy though is when someone become SO obsessed over they go and ge stuff like hugging pillows, real sized nude posters of lolicon and shit like that.. no, that's just downright creepy...
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