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Anime with western influences

neetone ur ignorance plz keep it with u, ur anti weeabo acts have gone too far for one u might say " I'll try to make it simple. Anime is a Japanese thing made for Japanese people. If you don't like that then maybe anime isn't for you" but im pretty sure u are pasty as all fuck saying shit like that shame son shame.
"So, I can't like anime cause I'm not Japanese?" I have no idea where you're getting that from usagimodoki. I never said anything like that. To rephrase (again) Stop trying to make anime more like western stuff. It's that simple. I really have no clue what you're going on about miotakax.
im talking about how some Japanese like western stuff too, u never had a american girlfriend bastard some people like different thing if more western based anime were created that be great dont shoot down a mans dream u pasty basterd hebeech
Might I recommend Licensed By Royalty? Although, good luck on finding it. It's basically an anime tribute to British culture and James Bond. According to one of the guys I met from Funimation, it has one of the best English dubs (pretty much an all British voice cast) that no one has ever heard of (it wasn't marketed well in the US, its commercial made no sense, but the English dub was a HUGE hit in Germany because it was properly marketed in Germany, go figure). Again, good luck finding it though. I've been trying to find copies of it for almost a year now.
Then those Japanese can watch western stuff miotakax? If you want eastern style animation watch anime, if you want western style animation watch cartoons. It's really not a hard concept to grasp.
Big time western anime. Gun Frontier El Cazador de la Bruja Desert punk Grenadiar Trigun etc...
See, I told you it wasn't that easy to explain haha.
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Dec 19, 14 at 11:35pm
The anime Tiger and Bunny had a lot of western influence and got a lot of popularity in Japan, I'd give it a recommendation~ Here's the synopsis: myanimelist.net/anime/9941/Tiger_&_Bunny
Cowboy Bebop stands out as being very western, if it can be compared to anything it would be Firefly. There's a reason both shows are called "Space Westerns." Big O is also a very western show, often compared to Batman TAS. Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt is very western in both animation style and in it's constant stream of dick jokes, if you're into that sort of humor.
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