Any competitive Ultra Street Fighter IV players?

swordcutlass7 @swordcutlass7
Any competitive Ultra Street Fighter IV players?
swordcutlass7 @swordcutlass7
Get at me and we can discuss things like who you main,pad versus fightstick, is poison a man or a woman lol all that and more folks.

Talonvoren @talonvoren
commented on
Any competitive Ultra Street Fighter IV players?
Talonvoren @talonvoren
Haven't actually played since alpha 2. Really should get back into it.

swordcutlass7 @swordcutlass7
commented on
Any competitive Ultra Street Fighter IV players?
swordcutlass7 @swordcutlass7
Wow,that is old school but the game still holds up quite well.

Talonvoren @talonvoren
commented on
Any competitive Ultra Street Fighter IV players?
Talonvoren @talonvoren
Yes it does. How is the newest one anyway? Play any different?

swordcutlass7 @swordcutlass7
commented on
Any competitive Ultra Street Fighter IV players?
swordcutlass7 @swordcutlass7
It is very fun and well balanced. The roster is 44 characters,it has a trial mode that allows you to practice combos that pro players use,and it just got the Omega Mode update yesterday. The omega versions of characters are really something I mean Ken is launching Hadoukens from his feet, Ryu has a thirty mile an hour hadouken which is insane, and perrys have made a comeback from Street Fighter 3:Third Strike. And Street Fighter 5 was announced last week with Charlie as a returning character.

Talonvoren @talonvoren
commented on
Any competitive Ultra Street Fighter IV players?
Talonvoren @talonvoren
Hmmm may have to check it out then.

swordcutlass7 @swordcutlass7
commented on
Any competitive Ultra Street Fighter IV players?
swordcutlass7 @swordcutlass7
It's worth checking out both 4 and 5

hadokant @hadokant
commented on
Any competitive Ultra Street Fighter IV players?
hadokant @hadokant
I play to :3 I love Yang, Gouken, Dudley and Yun :3

swordcutlass7 @swordcutlass7
commented on
Any competitive Ultra Street Fighter IV players?
swordcutlass7 @swordcutlass7
I play Ibuki, Rufus, and Decapre

frostmare @frostmare
commented on
Any competitive Ultra Street Fighter IV players?
frostmare @frostmare
did you see the new street fighter coming out soon ?
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