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do you take relationships seriously?

Dec 03, 14 at 7:43pm
I used to, but now I guard myself with relationships. I seek only to have fun friendships, and if the girl wants to take it to the next level, she's going to make the first move. A man blinded by love sees only what his heart wants him to see. I once was that blind man, and I learned from it.
Dec 04, 14 at 9:54pm
Too long, didn't read, I don't take many things seriously, like this forum for example. Ever since I came back to MaiOtaku an hour ago, I've been sounding like a gigantic asshole too. But there is one thing I take seriously, and that's relationships. Anyone who enters into a relationship and doesn't take it seriously, shouldn't be in a relationship in the first place. It's not fair, nor respectful, to the other person, don't waste peoples time.
Mostly, yes. There were only two real relationships I didn't take seriously. The first was, well, my first girlfriend, because honestly I'm not sure why we dated besides high school hanky-panky. The second was a girl who had actually pursued me for quite some time, but I wasn't very interested in, so the relationship didn't last more than a month or two. The fact is, I haven't dated much, but the few girls I actively pursued I was always serious about. In fact, the biggest stumbling block for me is that I'm always more willing to commit and every girl I've dated wasn't taking it seriously. Even my friends, of which there are few, I consider to be my close family. I think there's a big difference between introverts and extroverts in this regard. To an extrovert, I think relationships are more shallow and fleeting, whereas an introvert is so selective with who they let in that they form unbreakable bonds with those they do.
"meijirurouni89 Always. Im looking for the right girl, so i take it very seriously. Dec 01, 14 at 3:15pm · Report" I share the same opinion.
Depends on the relationship. I dont cheat or anything like that. But I dont take it seriously.
To me its only worthwhile if its worth taking seriously. I've only had four relationships In my life so far, but each and every one of them I would consider a success regardless of how horrible they ended (The first two were nothing short of me crashing down to the earth in a fiery wreck). And all but one was measured in years (shortest 11 months, longest 5 years). If your not capable of fully investing or putting yourself out there and being vulnerable then your not really in the relationship with your partner and your missing out on a lot of the possible connection.
yes of course. I wouldn't get into a relationship with someone if I thought it wasn't going to last. I'm not the type to play around with that sort of thing and I wouldn't want to be with someone who's just playing around either.
Finding someone to love is one of the main points of my existence. Sharing experiences with someone I love makes life 100x more fulfilling.
thanks for the responses community ^ ^ reading your experiences was really helpful, hope to continue posting and becoming more active on here to get to know some of you.
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