what got you to start using maiotaku?

untitled @untitled
what got you to start using maiotaku?
untitled @untitled
whatever you feel like sharing o 3o

ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
commented on
what got you to start using maiotaku?
ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
My ex told me about it, friends with Sephiroth (site owner)

untitled @untitled
commented on
what got you to start using maiotaku?
untitled @untitled
aww sweet! vampire bund haha and coolios

rangerchives @rangerchives
commented on
what got you to start using maiotaku?
rangerchives @rangerchives
I was surfing the internet, feeling kinda lonely, wishing I had a gf. Then I found this wonderful site and all the awesome people in it.

untitled @untitled
commented on
what got you to start using maiotaku?
untitled @untitled
awesome ^ ^ oh ya! you're that samurai buddy from Sword Art Online right?? "profile photo"
heheh "neat"

untitled @untitled
commented on
what got you to start using maiotaku?
untitled @untitled
err-I'm terrible with names

Loli-ButtCuddles @riyuzaki
commented on
what got you to start using maiotaku?
Loli-ButtCuddles @riyuzaki
This account has been suspended.

DJ T-Tom @theycallmetakeo
commented on
what got you to start using maiotaku?
DJ T-Tom @theycallmetakeo
At first, it was in an attempt to try and find some real otaku friends, as I'm the only otaku I know, and I'm weird. Now that I'm single again I...still plan on using MaiOtaku to find friends. Yeah, that hasn't really changed much.

untitled @untitled
commented on
what got you to start using maiotaku?
untitled @untitled
likewisuu .3.)~

rangerchives @rangerchives
commented on
what got you to start using maiotaku?
rangerchives @rangerchives
btw the my profile picture, his name his klein and for all intends and purposes we are the same person.
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