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So what's your take on religion?
Do you follow any? If so what?
If not, why not?

i don't follow a religion because the church of hatsune miku does not exist yet.
Nov 23, 14 at 6:46pm
Religion is all about beliefs regarding life and death.
I am a Baptist.
da_uman @da_uman commented on RELIGION
Nov 24, 14 at 12:20am
Not a fan if I'm honest, I'm wary of anyone claiming to be part of an organised religion. That's not to say I wouldn't be friends with someone who was as I've clashed with friends on the subject before but I've found they can never really defend or say why they believe what they do outside of saying "it's what I believe" which I find frustrating.

I also find it disturbing how religious parents often force their beliefs on their children and will have a audacity to defend their indoctrination by saying it's my child, yes it's your child but you don't own them, they're a life separate from yours so treat them with respect like you should any other human.

As you can probably already tell I'm an atheist :P I apologise if I came off a bit heavy handed but it's a subject I feel strongly on.
Okay, in all seroiusness i'm also an aetheist.......but that's mostly because i've seen what lies beyond this world and trust me it's not pretty.
Nov 24, 14 at 3:58am
Not gonna lie I sighed when I saw the name of this topic. Well let's just hope things don't get crazy.

Well I'd like to confirm myself as christian/catholic. I believe in jesus and the cross. But I do not believe everything in the bible is true, It was written by man in the first place even if it was in god's words, That was primitive man, And If he does exist, Even now we would be like ants in comparison of intelligence, So of course he wouldn't be able to tell us everything, And much of the bible has been changed and lost in translation throughout its recreations.

I respect other's beliefs as long as they respect mine and unless it's within the topic I prefer not to bring it up, I'm not afraid too, But it just usually makes problems. If I'm wrong I'll get on my hands and knee's and beg for whatever gods are the real ones forgiveness and mostly likely go whatever the equivalent of hell is in it. Or if athiest are right. Well first I'll be like dang that sucks, But I'll be dead in the ground so it won't matter, Though I prefer it if they were wrong, I love living, Just so many possibilities to it and at least I have my consciousness if they are wrong compared to others *Shrugs*, Though like I said it wouldn't matter since because we'd just all be dead.

I'll agree that you shouldn't force any religion on anyone, Though they should be taught about it if the parent wants to teach them it, But they should also be taught the other side of the coin in return. Then let them decide. There's also no wrong in teaching them something, Everyone teaches there kids different things, Like I was taught how to hold and use knifes while young, Certainly many parents we cringe at the thought, But they also taught me when and why to use it. I believe this goes with religion, You should know how to use it and when a person truly needs words from it, They may never need them, But just trying to force it will either make a narrow minded zombie or make them hate the religion from spite.

I believe in christianity, Since it's basic fact jesus existed( Not saying it's fact he was son of god, But he did exist at least as a person), Plus I just find this universe and even world alone to full of coincidences, Just to many variables that could have gone wrong with everything *Shrug*. Plus I'd prefer to believe everyone's life had meaning, Much lighter if I can keep that mindset, And it's nice to think about an eternal life of peace, No?

Either way religion or not, Everyone should treat others the same. We're all brothers and sisters in humanity if not under god, And is leaves a rotten taste in my mouth whenever anyone gangs up on a religious person or athiest just for beliefs(Even worse since my own says to do the opposite). I believe we should all help each other when we can and try to be the best of our capabilities. Though that's just me, There's my ideals about it, Might change over the years, afterall I'm 16, But I've had a lot of thought into it so I doubt it will change much.
1 - Tenrikyo
2 - Walter Russel
3 - Kinonagare Aikido
4 - Alchemy
5 - New Acropolis - Ronin
6 - Otaku Movement. "The seed"

But something else, something is to come.

Nov 24, 14 at 7:57am
What's the point of this thread, seeing as there's already one or two just like this one? I smell motives!

Also, agnostic.
Christian. But I've been several other things in life. My parents were christian, too. But they didn't force their beliefs on me.
I've been:
Church of God
Non denominational
Jehovah witness(sadly)
And now, I'm just a basic Christian. I have the basics in their beliefs, but that's where it stops.
I also can't see why so many are against other people's beliefs. In truth, there are so many similarities. And the one common denominator in all? We came from somewhere. Whether it be from the big bang, or a mystical creator. And we all do wonder, at least once in our miniscule lives: what came before that?
The universe is vast. And it would be a shame if all that wonderful space was empty of any kind of self consciousness, besides our own.
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