In need of pretty single otaku girls from ages 18 to 24

king_negima @king_negima
In need of pretty single otaku girls from ages 18 to 24
king_negima @king_negima
I am single and looking for a single otaku girl I am 6 foot 5 and the things I am looking for are short to medium flat chested or can have something there and very sweet and pretty and petite

kc_watz @kc_watz
commented on
In need of pretty single otaku girls from ages 18 to 24
kc_watz @kc_watz
Lol, pretty sure you just described what we're all looking for. Idk

king_negima @king_negima
commented on
In need of pretty single otaku girls from ages 18 to 24
king_negima @king_negima
Thank u

Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
commented on
In need of pretty single otaku girls from ages 18 to 24
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
Well, for starters, it helps to put an actual picture of yourself up. I'm sure nobody will take you seriously without one with what you're asking.
Second, I'm going to doubt very highly anybody will message you, with or without a picture. That's just how this site is.

king_negima @king_negima
commented on
In need of pretty single otaku girls from ages 18 to 24
king_negima @king_negima
I know but I will ad a pic of me when I can

akumaotl @akumaotl
commented on
In need of pretty single otaku girls from ages 18 to 24
akumaotl @akumaotl
Lol ditto

Loli-ButtCuddles @riyuzaki
commented on
In need of pretty single otaku girls from ages 18 to 24
Loli-ButtCuddles @riyuzaki
This account has been suspended.

Yu @metaljester
commented on
In need of pretty single otaku girls from ages 18 to 24
Yu @metaljester
Come on guys you got to give him credit he has the mysterious stranger going for him.
Anyways while its good to have preferences and whatnot, you should consider what finding that person is to you. Just think it over.
You are 18 years old got a long life ahead of you.
Jiko is right on this one though picture gives some form of representation of you.

Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
commented on
In need of pretty single otaku girls from ages 18 to 24
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
Yu, I'm a pony with a white van that says free candy on the side.
I look legit. ;)

Key @key17
commented on
In need of pretty single otaku girls from ages 18 to 24
Key @key17
Yet again, someone thinks they're gonna get anywhere by hiding their face. I don't care if you're super duper ugly out the prettiest mf on earth, show them your face first. Lets be realistic here...
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