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My Story/Looking for Tips

In all honesty, my first and only relationship (so far at least) ended about 7 months ago, and I've often wondered if maybe I should cut communications with her, but I haven't so far, and from what I can tell things have--for the moment, that is--turned out all right. My only problem with moving on is that I feel I made a grave mistake in ending our relationship, mostly because we both loved each other dearly. I've heard/gotten advice from multiple friends, but even that doesn't seem to help, and no amount of positive reinforcement or other things I do can seem to get her off my mind for much longer than a day. Is there much else I can do beyond seeing where things go from our interactions?
Pretty much just wait it out and see how things go to decide whats best.
As they would say in France, merci beaucoup, vampire_neko, I appreciate the comment.
What reason you terminate the relationship?How often do you see her? Do you truly love her? What about her? Did she call you or you call her? How is your heart feel? What do you love about her? I don't know how much you two love each other but here are the advice. You plan to wait, sure if she love you a lot then yes but I can tell you is a high risk. Think of it like a missing child, the longer the child is missing the chance is dead. It mean your relationship is long gone before you can do anything. Pursuing advice I would recommend you to do so if you really love her a lot. Make sure she also feel the same. If she don't, she see this as annoyance. First thing first, wait for her in her school, home, or work place. Tell her you need a talk. After she give you a talk, you begin your oral presentation to her. It depend on you how to win her back. Make sure get something she like will be a plus but you also need to do your part. I hope this work for you.
Nov 19, 14 at 8:46am
Pretty much what ^ said, but I also have to ask? Are you actually trying to forget her, or do you still have hope of coming back together? Either way, time is of the essence. If you truly want to forget her than give yourself some time away from her. To think about other stuff. It might not even work, but that's still a first step in recovering. On the other hand, if you're looking to get back together, than do so as soon as possible. You may love, but her feelings might change, so you better hurry.
Nov 20, 14 at 12:28am
Idk since you broke up I'll assume that you had a good reason to do so, since I can't quite imagine breaking up with someone over something stupid since you mentioned you both love(d) each other quite a lot. So I take it stuff just weren't how they were supposed to be and that being together was harmfull/destructive for you guys. I've been through something similar. And at first I was scared too that I had made a mistake... But then I realised that it was just me being afraid of being alone. 'cause when you've been with someone even with all the bad stuff there's bound to be some good memories too, so you start focusing on those and you keep overthinking stuff... Eventually I just realised that the love we had wasn't worth all the stuff that he would put me through and then stuff kinda came together for me and I was able to move forward. I personally did break contact with my ex as he was a manipulative person, who kinda knew how to play me so staying in contact just wasn't going to work. But I guess for you you'll have to decide wether the love you guys had/have for each other is worth it. Worth going through all the shit that you guys went through that ended up in you guys breaking up. If it is then you get back together and sort things out, if it isn't then at least you know for yourself that you made the right decision and that might help you not worry as much as to wether you made the right decision to break up or not. as for as breaking off contact, if you've finally come to the conlusion that it isn't worth it... Than think about wether you can manage staying in contact with each other, if she's a good person, then I guess why not. But if it's harmful to either one of you then breaking it off or at least taking a break from each other might be a good thing to do. Dunno if this was helpful at all >_< I'm not you so I can't really tell you what to do, but yeah for me the way I handled it worked so yeah idk. Goodluck though, hope stuffs works out for you ^^
All of your comments are helpful to a degree. I terminated the relationship because I felt that she and I were growing a bit too distant to continue the romantics we had been enjoying for the four months we were together. I know for a fact that she and I will -not- be getting back together, as she has found another boyfriend- with whom she seems to be as happy, if not moreso, than she was with me. I do still talk to her on occasion, and we do maintain a somewhat friendly relationship. She and I were, in others words, a "great couple", but in the end things got to the point where I thought it may end up being harmful for one or both of us, and so I called it off--and surprisingly, she agreed with me. We sent each other letters over the summer to attempt to express our feelings, and both of us understand the others' point of view. As a result of scheduling at school, I do see her every day, and to be quite honest I have bittersweet feelings each time I do. Our love was worth it then, but now I've just resumed my role as he-whom-lies-in-the-shadows-aiding-those-whom-need-it. I'd rather not share (at least explicitly) the reason I broke up with her, but suffice it to say something was amiss and I'd rather spare her potential pain at the price of my happiness; a decision which I simultaneously regret and stand by to this day.
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