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Ebony And Ivory

I miss that game...bet I can find a rom for playing on the pc or something.
Nov 11, 14 at 7:48pm
well. Each one have his quality. Ebony shines wonderfull with oil. Ivori and porcelain looks delicate. Interracial is hot! Actually there is no two races in this face of Earth (dna-proven), and today is all optional. In Brazil they like to get a tan, in USA they buy skin writer cream. I think you must try taste yourself, or others skins before try to change your own tone. Its all optional today. Some really dream to become darker, but most dream become skin lighter. Some have fantasy with very darker skin, some with almost transparent ones. In the end, what we really need is delicate touch, or heavy hands but all with love.
I had to Google search the meaning of those words.
Nov 19, 14 at 1:54pm
I'm White but I've dated outside of my race a few times. Mainly with Latina girls. I've never had a chance to date a Black or Asian woman yet though. There seems to be some sort of stigma for Black women to be with White men for some reason. Despite it being ok for Black men to date White women. And that is ok but people seem to be less comfortable with it happening the other way around where I live. Anyways a woman is a woman and a person is a person to me regardless of their ethnicity or race. It's never been a huge factor to me.
Nov 20, 14 at 1:34am
Oh goodness, in my past relationships, I haven't dealt with any racists, but only double looks from me being an african-american female, and my partner being very much caucasian. It is a site to see in a small town, I'll tell you that, but, I really feel as if it all depends on where you are, where you live, and whether or not it is accepted. I'm not saying, don't go for it if it isn't accepted from where you live, I'm just saying, if the time does come around, and some asshole comes at you with racial dominance, hold your partner close, and move yourself from the situation. Let them know that you won't waver, and that this is something that you treasure. Everyone likes a man/woman that stands up for their partner, no matter what race, body type, or anything.
jas @jas commented on Ebony And Ivory
Dec 01, 14 at 10:33am
Yeah parents can be a big problem. A friends father really, truly didn't want his African-American daughter to marry out of race. Fortunately, he stopped just short. They're very happy and have two kids now.
I think all couples should be interracial so in a thousand years there will be only 1 definitive mixed race to stop all of this stupid race drama bullshit 8^) But that's just me
that is bound to happen one day eventually
Sev, i swear your like my long lost brother. XD
jas @jas commented on Ebony And Ivory
Dec 01, 14 at 2:27pm
Yeah. "Race" is a pretty imaginary thing. Mainly to keep the poor fighting amongst themselves. Anime and manga has become a multicultural thing. I think our group is more likely to know the score than most.
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