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Is it strange..

As far as your thread, this is a public forum, expect mixed opinions. (Thusly remaining on topic.) Remember, YOU created the thread saying "Is it strange..." The answer is yes. As far as being a dick, again, I'm being brutally honest, if that makes me a dick, so be it. The smiley used in the context could have been takenjoying two ways, the first which I mentioned, the second being pretty much like #hashtagabuse, or an over usage of such. I guess you were the latter. Without actually looking up the statistics, I would say yes, most girls (and guys) like that have some sort of a screwed up past. It doesnt have to mean in a relationship, but somewhere, something got sscrewed up. Role playing or dom/sub has nothing to do with babying a grown man.
Nov 02, 14 at 9:19pm
I concurr with o'l jiko there. I was being a bit more passive about it however. Still, is this really worth getting worked up over( or at leastcoming across as such with a lay mans eye)? Sump'ns got 'im worked up as of recent, but take it or leave it, jiko that is. Nothing wrong with being blunt, but there is a little thing called tact...I use it...sometimes...I promise l.:P
I'm a bit on edge, asshat, yeah. I'll pm you.
yes. weird as fuck that is all.
ps. and goodbye
There we go, now that's an opinion. lol
Psssh. He said the same as me with 4 words. :(
Nov 04, 14 at 12:44am
Lol girls dont like needy, they just think they do. I dont think its too weird but its probably something you want to get past :O Gotta be your own man brah
I want this too - I want my partner to take care of me...
When you grow up, youll see just how terrible of an idea, or "want", that is..
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