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Is it strange..

To like someone whose like motherly (or fatherly in some cases)? What do you guys think? Cause I act like I'm 6 and my ex was motherly and I just like figured out that I really like that xD Just to see if I'm not alone on this x,x
How exactly do you act like you're 6? And yes, it means you're extremely needy and women hate needy guys. Not something to really be proud of. Hence why she's an 'Ex'...
RP sense mostly lol She's an ex because she's a lying and cheating jerk and uses everyone to get what she wants. No need to be cynical, there's someone for everyone, I was just asking a question jeez. ._.
Nov 02, 14 at 7:35pm
Well Norman, I don't think that speaks well when it comes to your emotional independence. But, I understand and enjoy that kind of comforting touch a bit here and there too. You don't have to act like a child to enjoy a comforting feminine touch. It's an intimacy thing, Oedipus.
Not being cynical, telling you how it is. If you want to be coddled like a toddler when I tell you this, you're looking at the wrong person. Women don't like babies, become independent and just maybe you'll find you like that more than having your ass wiped for you. Edit: and if that makes me merit having a "block button" for, you seriously need to pull your head out of your ass and look at reality. I could lie to you and say, "oh yeah, it's perfectly normal.", but why lie? You want to be pissed because somebody has a different opinion, too bad. Stop being a baby and get over it.
Lemme break it down for you "And yes, it means you're extremely needy" Yes I am at times, everyone is, if someone doesn't like it they won't date me. nuffsaid. "women hate needy guys" This varies, not all women are the same, I know many who like needy but are married or soon to be with their NEEDY bfs. "Not something to really be proud of." Never said I was proud of it did I? "Hence why she's an 'Ex'..." Pretty much made your point about you being cynical, assuming makes an ass out of you and me. You have the types of girls you like, I have the type that I like, let's leave it at that.
You made your point of being proud of it: 1. Originally by that lovely "xD" you put directly after the sentence. 2. By seriously trying to have a debate with me over the fact of neediness in relationships. If you have "needy" girl(s who are) friends, chances are more likely than not that they have relationship issues as well. Possibly cheated on, in past abusive relationships, etc.
Nov 02, 14 at 8:09pm
Well from a standpoint of liking a motherly or fatherly figure it varies in the amount but for the most part everybody likes that here and there, although some like it more then others. I dont like it a huge amount myself but thats just me a individual stating his viewpoint. Theres nothing wrong with it or moreover any kind of fetish although I cant say I would necessarily classify this as a fetish. But back to the point its fine as long as you dont let it rule your life and can maintain a heathy lifestyle whilst incorporating it into a relationship. This is just one of your kinks we all have them in some form or another. As for acting as a kid well that really depends on how you pursue said acting as a kid, if you just play around with the idea such as being a child at heart then by all means you are fine. However going through life expecting to be treated as a kid when you are grown will most likely lead to undesirable parts happening in your life. Honestly though its all up to you, in the end everybody has there means to live life so do you, if that means being playful about things so be it. As long as you can still make sense of what matters and how to live properly you will be fine.
Also, you asked for opinions and to see if others felt the way you do. I dont, and I'm saying it bluntly. If you don't like it, fine. Ignore it and move on, but don't fight me because I don't feel the way you do, either. @Yu, don't go on the fence. Your posts are always neutral... you can't seriously have a neutral stance on everything, can you? :/
So you assume girls who like needy guys have had a screwed up past, that's nice of you. Look at dominant girls and submissive guys real quick. As for the smiley, I always do them and it doesn't mean anything, want the list of them all the ones I use? You don't need to come to my thread and be a dick to me which is how you came off as, and is the only reason it got serious for me. If you weren't intending to be a jerk, then I'm sorry. Now with all due respect, can we both please shut up about this and let the topic stay on topic as intended?
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