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Do you get depressed when you know someone's love past?

I'm not asking anyone to break my heart, but seriously, not having any learning experience at a young age sucks.
Alright, not sure what you exactly mean by getting depressed after knowing someone past. I mean like is this someone you current partner or just a friend. I cant really seem myself getting depressed over something that has come and gone. The past is the past for a reason instead of fixating on that do something for yourself and move forward. You seem to go on about how you haven't been in a relationship, But why not do something about it live a little. Try and find that relationship for yourself. You seem to blame it on your age a lot but there are people you age as well that are single and looking. Perhaps if you decided to put yourself out there more and not worry so much about other opinions you can find that person that is right for you.
Altair, Couldn't have said it better myself.
@OP: I don't get depressed knowing about a lover's past love life even when it's filled with all sorts of experiences that I haven't had. Perhaps, learning about her past love life could give you insight on what's she's all about. Ultimately, what matters to me is my experience with her at that very moment.
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