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FriendZone by the girl you like

If girls dated all guys who were nice to them they'd have a large list of exes.
Im going to add my two cents on this. Keep it short somewhat instead of going to far in it. Friendzoning in itself is a broad generalization on the part of the people who think that because they are nice guys or what not that the girls dont consider that date material and therefore move you into being a friend. This is wrong and why is that? Because for one thing being a nice guy does not entail being a nice guy to get someone to be in a relationship with you at least the original version of a legit nice guy anyways. Just because you are nice to somebody does not mean that they should stick with you people are free to pursue what they want. That person has done no wrong unless they have legit reasons to toy with you. The next thing I would like to state is alot of these nice guy friendzone problems also revolve around the whole hey all these girls like alpha males which is a primitive broad view put on all the guys you think are jocks and whatnot. In reality though for the most parts the ratio of girls liking nice guys to these so called bad boys alpha males is actually pretty even I would say. The reason why it seems not to be is because there are a few people out there who actually witness this social outing or get a bias viewpoint of it due to having their feelings hurt and whatnot. This then spreads to multiple other people as a way to justify why they may not have somebody creating this widespread illusion that girls dont like nice guys. My point is that there is no widespread interest in bad boys or the other. For that matter, and instead of seeing it as that. Consider this Work on yourself as a person and by that I mean do what you want, become who you want to be, when somebody does not like you move on and let go as hard as that may be at times. Dont get yourself caught up making broad generalizations based on individual experiences. Edit @cecil I agree with you on that after reading over the rest of the thread. We should definitely apply ourselves when we do have problems rather then make more justifications for them on why we cant. At the very least put motivation into working on those things.
Oct 26, 14 at 8:43pm
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Wowza Yu... You basically summarized what I was gong to say about the nice guy aspect anyway..People are supposed to be nice anyways, so if some guys are using it to get a relationship.. Welp sorryy
Oct 26, 14 at 9:11pm
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Saya and this is one of the many problems that weighs in on this fake perception. Both parties males and females are going to suffer from this whole friendzoning thing. Females get blamed as nothing more but shallow idiots who dont know what a good male is and therefore are picking the wrong ones and always friendzoning the right ones. Males get to sit in a pot of self doubt not improving their lifes much from the problem because they can just justify any reason why somebody did not start a relationship with them as friendzone or something similar.
Seriously he never knows when to shut up, like a god damn Yu-gi-oh villain. "Haha, just you wait haha. I'm going to show you, oh poor Saya, you're just like a doll. You stand on the shelf and just watch. Haha, I like hearing myself talk. I'm done monologuing, but just you wait... This war has just started... just you wait poor little doll." -ritsu in a nutshell
Damn this is almost as interesting as the new walking dead episode I just watched
Better grab the popcorn while you can.
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