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How to talk to a guy?

Oct 22, 14 at 2:14am
How do you make friends? It's the same way. I think the problem is thst people tend to put pressure on themselves thinking they need to impress this person to garner romantic interest. Why not just focus on just getting to know them first and seeing where that leads? Just be yourself, as cliche as that sounds. Don't go in with any expectations other than trying to be friendly and getting to know someone. Guys are easy to talk to. Do you like video games or anime? Chances are( especially at your age), so does he. Even if he doesn't, so what? Just be cordial see if you bith can be friends. Guys are simple creatures, I promise you. :)
Oct 24, 14 at 9:43pm
Ask them directions, get advice, just basically ask something that makes them feel like a hero for helping you out, then stroke their ego when they do it. If they don't try to initiate a conversation after that, it's pretty much a hopeless situation. But if they do, just go with the flow and try to find common ground from there. Basically the only thing that keeps me from opening a conversation with a girl is if she gives me a hint that I wouldn't seem like I'm trying to creep on her.
Nov 02, 14 at 9:13pm
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Open your mouth and say words. Simplest way. As a plus, guys find it cute when women are shy and start rambling because they're nervous the first few times you talk.
Nov 02, 14 at 11:22pm
It really is about how you break the ice. Find out a few things about them. If they're watching a show you like, comment on it. If they're using a really awesome laptop that you wish you had, say so. Just start off with something small. When the conversation is picking up, that's when you start to prove around for things you might have in common. Once that happens, try showing them related videos (funny ones are great for making friends). It really takes some getting used to, but just try it out. Always remember, they might be just as shy as you are. So somebody has to break the ice.
Nov 12, 14 at 12:04am
There is no guy that don't like when girls approach or talk with him. But most girls wait for the guy to talk. And most of time is impossible. Most guys are afraid to be called hentai by girls. They keep distance to feel safe from unfair judgment. Is sad that some girls get pissed with this actitude, calling us baka. Those vulgar man that care not about what girls think, will they really care about girls feelings? Sometimes, I feel really happy and proud to don't mix with those man of stone. But sometimes, I feel sad, I wished to give something better than distance. how many times I will see girls let those guys take out their dreams? "You better love loving and you better behave" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5-c79LQ3aM Oh...how? even the tipical jap ooooosu! is fine. ah...kushieda.. (toradora) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMgrhbNja-g
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