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Is it worth having sex on first date.

Once again sev, i completely agree. XD
I had my first kiss on my first date then 2nd date Macy
Nov 27, 14 at 7:48pm
Cirno9: "Sure, why not?" Americans can be more uptight about sex (and the order it happens in a relationship). If it's healthy for you than by all means go for it :)
Of course it is! You don`t know if you are going to have something serious at the first date, so if you`re able to have sex on a first date, well done.
Either way for me. If the girl would like to wait, then thats fine by me and I respect that. Realistically I know it is what the end goal is, but that doesn't mean I am going to call it once I get there. I am of the opinion that I need to take responsibility for my actions so I will stand by what I do. It will probably increase the chances of me sticking around, but I don't want just that. I am in it for a good fulfilling relationship for both sides. I have my sexual urges and would love to be able to fulfill them but will not turn someone down because they don't want to. There are good points on both sides and depending on the person depends on how things go. I am looking for more of a sexually active relationship currently.
I don't believe so. I can't respect anyone who has no self restraint and is so impatient that they can't wait until they find themselves in a serious relationship. I really rather not have anything to do with sluts.
Woah woah whats with all the slut shaming guys? I mean tbh sometimes people just don't want a serious relationship and just wanna get some. There's nothing wrong with that as long as both parties are both consenting adults and are aware that the relationship won't go any further. And sometimes you just hit it off right away and are both in the mood so why wait? As long as everybody is cool with it i say do whatever the heck you want on your first date, for all you know you might die tomorrow and come back to haunt the poor thing because your libido was left unsatisfied even in the afterlife, now wouldn't THAT be dramatic? food for thought! No need to act like 15yr old virgins guys! Just go with the flow (but use protection for god's sake)!
Personally, I wouldn't do it. I don't agree on first date sex personally. Kissing is fine in my book though.
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