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Dating your childhood friends/besty

One of my best friends that I've known for a long time i started to have feelings for awhile ago, but i know its only one sided feelings so I've been trying to get over her and continue the way it used to be, do you think i should tell her how i feel and see what happens? i have no idea what to do ;_; i hate having feelings for someone that will never notice me as boyfriends material, i usually get over it quite quickly but with her its been a lot harder to get over it, i don't know what i should do. is it a good idea to date a really good friend? risking all the years you've known each other, because lets face it sometimes after a break up you say you can remain friends but thats not always the case.
i dont know dating a friend could cause problems depending on how you guys are with each other if your really close then you can give it a shot most likely since you already know each other it could work out
thats the thing I'm not sure if it would work out even if we give it a shot, she plays video games and stuff but isn't really a fan of the whole anime thing, we just like a lot of the different things, which is why I'm on this site was maybe to find someone with my same interests so i can get over her.
Im not gonna lie I am in the same boat you are in lol
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