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Women, what are you looking for here?

I'll be honest and say I don't have a clue when it comes to having a relationship and such. Or what a woman is actually looking for on a site like this. So my policy is, if I don't know, I ask somebody. So ladies, what are you here for? What are you hoping to find?
Honestly and realistically, I am looking for good friends with an opening to there might be something more at some stage, once I've got to know the person. I have always been very up front with anyone who has asked me this. In an ideal world if I make friends with someone who I feel I really connect with then sure then maybe going into a relationship. But I'm in no hurry to jump head first into anything.
I am jumping out of hiatus to say I have a love/hate relationship with that answer. Being friends with a person is crucial, yeah. You should have some similar interests, hobbies, etc, but also know you have separate interests to break away from the "OMGWHYAREYOUALWAYSHANGINGAROUNDME" annoyance some people give. My problem with it is when ONLINE after months of this going on, one side gains stronger feelings than the other, leading to awkwardness and eventually not talking anymore. When it's ONLINE, it's not like you're actually meeting the person, so you still have that "friendship building" stage wrapped up with the "honeymoon" stage of a relationship. If you're not compatible with somebody during this time, it's a lot easier to break things off and remain friends than what I previously stated. It happened to me, for three or four months, I was talking to this really amazing girl. We were good friends, and I thought based on conversations, we were going to be moving forward, but in actuality, when I started talking to her more about dating, she got more and more distant. This confused me because she would always say "love" at the end of the night, before bed. That brings me to another rant. DO NOT USE LOVE UNLESS YOU MEAN IT. ANYBODY. Ugh, there is nothing more like teasing and getting your heart ripped out afterwards than that. So getting back on topic, if you're online, if you're interested in somebody, don't play games with them. Give them a chance. You'll find that you might find a great guy, or at least a good friend, by jumping in than just touching the tip with your foot.
I agree with that a lot Jikoshy, because noone should say the 'love' word without seriously meaning it. Love doesn't just happen in a few hours, a few days, a few seconds. Love is built over time. I'm sorry you had a bad experience.
I see. Some good thoughts. Find friends then go from there. Nice drawings by the way Lucille.
This is not directed at anyone on particular: don't expect your female friend to become your girlfriend. Sometimes people just want plutonic relationships. Sometimes the feeling is not mutual.
^ LOLOLOL that was definitely not directed to anyone specifically ;D
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