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Sticking to your convictions.

I think it's important to stay true to yourself and stand by the standards and rules you have made for yourself in life. Everyone is different, everyone is unique. What do you think is important to you, something you'd never let go of when going into a relationship with someone? Just curious.. For me, I will not allow myself to lose my sense of reality.
My dreams, aspirations. Myself in general. Its important to never lose who you truly are. Positive that is.
^^ good points Dignity: it's important to be accommodating to a certain extent, but it's another thing to allow someone to dictate who you associate with, what hobbies you participate in, and how you live in general. Can't let your SO walk all over you it's not cool!
When restrictions comes to a play, we had no control since life is realistic. Unless you give in something for equal exchange, then you can truly stick to your conviction. Learn that from Full Metal Alchemist equivalent exchange.
I wouldn't change myself for someone else
You changed your clothes for me, Julio. I saw them dirty underwear on the ground..
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