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Asexuality was not discovered by science and I refuse to accept it. You can spout on about all you want but it is a trend being studied scientists. I don't care how people answer as long as it's on point and NOT chauvinistic. I want both sexes to feel comfortable posting here, and that is why I got on Animefood's case.
Lol Don't tip the boat over lmao. Anywho, to add on I think every relationship has two people with different sexuality levels. Like 1 person might like kinky pornstar sex and another just likes just plain penetration without all the complicated stuff. Some people get to settle for more in the bed, some have to settle for less. It just depends on what matters the most.
Homosexuality was not discovered by science either, therefore your argument is invalid. The only thing scientifically able to be discovered as far as sexuality goes is that men and women can have a child together when they have sex. Based on what you're saying about needing scientific proof, homosexuality is not a thing because they cannot have children, and asexuality is a lie. What does that make bisexuality then?
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Oct 15, 14 at 9:56pm
Some people are just more prone to anecdotal evidence, it's all good. I do believe it's on topic though because you did ask if we'd consider sex an important part of a relationship and my answer (which has also been reflected by some others) is that in terms of intimate relations it depends on the compatibility of sex drives. Some people have higher sex drives than others, that's something I think everyone in here can agree with even if we can't agree on how far the other end of the spectrum lies. I can't see how a relationship can work out if it becomes a burden on one partner to have to feel pressured into satisfying the other, especially if it's a wide disparity.
Your right but Homosexuality existed since the beginning of time, and is provable. Asexuality just popped up a few years ago and so far is loosely defined and debated by the scientific community. I can accept Bisexuality but am very opinionated about it.
Bryan, I'm fine with dropping it once he apologizes to Xueli for how he spoke to her about it. I can respect the fact he doesn't believe it, but that's no way to speak to anybody.
Asexuality has been around for much longer than a few years. Just because something isn't reported every other day, doesn't mean it's not there.
Fine...I'm sorry I came off as combative. I don't feel asexuality is a thing but more power to you if you do. Maybe one day someone can prove it to me and you all can give me a big fat "I told you so". Right now I am just in no mood to argue.
Oct 15, 14 at 10:02pm
Haha this surprising became heated. I wasn't quite expecting that vehement of a reaction. I wasn't really expecting a reaction honestly. But the important take away from my initial response is just like many aspects of a healthy relationship, sex drives are something that should be compatible.
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