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What I don't understand is why start a topic, then argue with everybody who doesn't have your views in mind, calling it bullshit. I believe there is something in the DSM on that...
I didn't start a topic about Asexuality Jikoshy, stop rocking the boat.
Go back and read every post you replied to in here. It's been combative because it doesn't agree with your thoughts. And please don't make me draw out how the whole asexual thing got to where it is, you seem intelligent enough to figure it out without a 30 slide powerpoint presentation.
I think there is a strong tendency to over romanticize the idea of sex in a relationship. It's lovely to say: "Oh sex doesn't matter as long as you love each other." or "You should only have sex as an expression of your love." But reality is another thing altogether. Sex is both emotional and animalistic. It's unhealthy to deny either aspect. It's perfectly ok to have sex for the physical pleasure of the sex itself as long as you aren't using it in a thoughtless and selfish way. It's also ok to express yourself emotionally to your partner through lovemaking but only using it in that way tends to cut off a certain part of your animal self and can lead to certain frustrations and emotional issues. In other words, a healthy balance of lust and love is a good thing in a relationship.
I have not been combative get your facts right. I got on animefood for his one sided male oriented view. I told bloody and Oreo they missed the point because both their comments were vulgar. Asexuality is not something that belongs in this discussion, idc it is just not real. Fuck off and talk about the topic or get out and get off my back with your BS.
*slowly backs out of the room hoping to not be noticed*
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You asked a question for personal opinions. You got an answer from animefood, which you clearly didn't like, saying it was "one sided". Oreo and the other guy were off base a bit. Asexuality clearly does have a place here. It is in the regards to sex (or the lack there of) with a significant other and its importance (or lack there of) in the relationship. Just because -YOU- find it to be bullshit, doesn't mean the thousands of doctors, the self-proclaimed, or the acceping of such find it to be so. But please, challenge the DSM-V on it, list reasons why it's bullshit. Scientific reasons, not personal since you're going up against doctors, of course. You wanted answers and you got them. If you want to be a dick to people because you don't like their answer, be a dick to a dick who supports it instead. By the way, talking about asexuality in relationships and finding partners. On topic.
Consider the boat rocked.
^ Upside down, blown up and on fire. The way I see it, he has three choices he can make. 1. Continue to be a dick to people for answering his question, feeling how they feel about it and having me be a dick back, continuing the arguments. 2. Calmly apologize to xueli and we can have a civil debate about the topic and finish this about asexuality. 3. Ignore it/let it drop/wtfever. But in the end, the choice is his.
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