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The Value of a relationship

A question that has been on the top of my mind for sometime. I wish to know what other people think the values of having a relationship are and if so do the cost outweigh or are a feather to what you get? My opinion on the matter. I constantly see others out there breaking up eventually, and to be honest the chances of a relationship lasting for each persons life is rather small. Not to say that people cant make a life lasting relationship or that having one long lasting relationship is what should be defined as a proper happy romance in life. But for the most part what I hear is something like this not a generalization just something similar in response I hear. The relationship last for ____ amount of time then they fall apart eventually. That person then goes through a stage feeling bad which depending on the person may or may not recover and jump into a new one. Then after that they restart the cycle over, and the chances are against them that it wont last the rest of their life yet again. Like one big cycle of renewal. So if thats the case why do we do it, why do we go into relationships at least most of us expecting a relationship to last for the rest of our lifes. One reason is the obvious one media and its portrayal of romance but I know for sure thats there more then that. Which leads me to the question mentioned above. I would like to hear others opinions on the matter if anybody is willing to share views?
I'll shorten it since I honestly didn't read, but I get point. How you value yourself is how you will value another. In other words , if you aren't happy being you then you won't be happy in a relationship. Sometimes we go into a relationship just to not feel so alone , but even a connection is not a sure thing. relationships are very complex and even more so if your looking for a life partner and not just a fling. I honestly don'ttthink there's a fool proof way to guarantee a happily ever after , but not taking a chance is a sure way to guarantee a life full of regret . The first step over all, be happy being single ,don't look, just be available while constantly striving to be happy and showing the world your best .
Relationships ain't too complex, either you stay with that person for forever or ya break up. Its hard, but obviously worth the risk since everyone keeps going back to relationships.
Ha...Ain't complex... Live and learn, my boy...Live and learn...
Oct 08, 14 at 9:57pm
I think a relationship is the same as any kind of social contract really. It's fulfilling if both parties understand the terms of that contract, which varies depending on individuals and individual situations, but it's bad if said terms aren't met.
We are all prone to boredom, it doesnt matter with what or who. Do it enough times and you'll get bored. I think we're entering a new stage where instead of marriages people will just date around more. Personally after my experiences if i could ultimately repress this human feeling i would, I dont see what i invest in a person being returned. Not gonna say its impossible to find someone that you'll last forever with, but once you define what true love is you'll see even many marriages that lasted 50 or 60 years were based on fear to stay alone if they divorced or fear of what you thought the community would think of you if you got divorced, especially in very religious areas and thats not real love, thats just submission. If these very couples that last 50 or 60 years started off in our time i doubt they'd last as long
For my opinion, the one you love might be one-sided love. I feel pathetic since all these years I love this one girl ever since high school. My first encounter her was elementary school, you can consider like childhood love almost. She was the one that confessed to me, but I give it a tried. As a result I got dumped in the end just when my love for her increased everyday. Because of her believe in Jesus, she dump me as I'm atheist. She knew that a long time and cannot persuade me. I was with her for a decade and I felt broken. My suggestion for you is not to put too much love because women do not appreciate what you do for them and they will eventually hurt you like a trash. I hope you have better luck then me.
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