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Abusive Relationships

^ Uhh how is it unfair? Their punches dont hurt. (Unless shes into karate or some shiet) But ours do. Just take it like a man and remove yourself from the situation. No need to hit them.
@,@ i meant attack the attacker, not the attacked! and yes there are alternatives to violence.
Oct 09, 14 at 10:03pm
I dunno, it's easy to say that you'd straight up leave if your significant other reacts violently to you but I don't really think that works out so neatly in real life. I haven't been in an abusive relationship but I've worked at shelters for people who have been and those abused aren't like victims in that kind of stereotypical sense. They aren't weak people with self esteem problems or anything like that. Abusive relationships are incredibly loving and passionate, but then something will always trigger that violent episode and then afterwards the abuser is apologetic and especially thoughtful until that tension just ramps right back up again. It's a mind game. And then there are a lot of reasons why an abused person doesn't leave their abuser, they depend on them financially, they have kids, etc. And then not every abuser is the same. Some go so far in exerting control over their victims to the point of renaming them entirely and dominating every element of their lives.
Actually girl punch does hurt, unless you are muscle build yea you don't feel hurt. I'm just thinking a little unfair like how everyone should be treated equally.
Oct 09, 14 at 11:08pm
oh there's no denying that males can be abused as well. That's why I personally don't use gender specific language for this topic.
Xueli got my point, I doubt any guys want to get abuse unless they are masochist.
Guess thats true :(
Dude being in a abusive relationship is like shit... Even if girls are in a abusive relationship all you could do is telling her boyfriend to knock it off or beat him up.
Oct 15, 14 at 8:10am
Honestly a lot of women who are in that situation need a hand getting out of it. But many will stay out of fear. Mentally or physically abusive relationships are not a good place for anyone to be male or female. If a friend of mine was being beaten up in front of me I would of said 'What the ** do you think your doing?' if he is doing that in front of you, how bad is it behind closed doors? It's really hard to get away from that situation especially when you feel emotionally attached to the person. Often you'll tell yourself it's your fault, it can often take these people years to get away.
A lot of people don't realize, but its hard to get out of abusive relationships, male or female. This runs in my family. Myself included. Two of my relationships were abusive, one physically and emotionally and the other emotionally. Part of the reason I stay was because I was afraid I wasn't good enough for anyone else and I thought that this was as good as it was going to get. So I just put up with it. Bad idea.
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