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Reasons to End a relationship.

From either beginning or began relationship. I give you an example. Let say Mary love John because he is hot. After they begin their relationship, they started to find fault in each other. Like the one I listed end relationship. Let say Mary think John is hot but thinking he is a player so being cautious by chatting with him like a friend and study the one I listed to find in common. Even with this the relationship still will end eventually. The best bet maybe sign a contract or like the other people post marriage for long time because of responsibility.
Well one big thing to watch out for is letting yourself hang on to a relationship usually one that is harmful to you as it is the case usually when this happens. As said though letting yourself stick to that person out of fear of being alone or just to keep the relationship together.
If the relationship is mentally or physically abusive.
Arguments that can't be solved, someone who continues to bring up past arguments as cause to continue a new one. unequal sexual desires or fetishes (like if one person likes a lot of kinky things and they other isn't or has no desire to experiment). Over jealous behavior or unreasonable jealous behavior. And most of all trust your gut, if you think they are cheating, but have no way of proving it, don't lower yourself by going through their things or searching for proof looking like the loony, just end it because 1: you don't trust them enough to continue a healthy relationship and 2: they could be cheating...is knowing really going to make you feel better?
My reasons to end a relationship include... 1. Infidelity (I'm not forgiving with that) 2. Physical/Mental Abuse 3. Reckless money decisions (e.g. living beyond your means) 4. Apathy (Either you're in or out of a relationship. There's no gray area) 5. Irreconcilable differences (sometimes, things just don't work out despite all efforts.)
Digitalwolf001 I can second that. Those are really damn good reasons to end a relationship. There are also some really good ones on here.
I know what you mean digitalwolf. The facts of where someone you love betray you and jealous is understandable because it can lead to truth. The reason girls don't like guys to be jealous since they look at other guys beside their bf. I find it uncomfortable when girls said to their bf why they jealous for. Guys do not like to be jealous all the time but their gf not telling them the truth makes them feel stressful. When I look at the 40 something year guy hair is like a kappa head. Women seems to want us to go kappa or bald head because of stress.
If the spark is just not there anymore.
I understand it but so are you saying if the guy get the girl pregnant he should not be responsible? Having no spark is an excuse and that is not faithful or immature. If no relationship should be responsible just because he/she used to love but the spark is gone and wanted to end it that is very selfish and mean.
^ If you dont want to be with the person, you have every right to leave them o_o Its your life, If you dont want them in it, its up to you :l Now if you go the girl pregnant thats a different story. Now you have to take care of the child. That doesnt mean you need to put up with a bad relationship or anything. You dont have to be with the person to be able to take care of your kid. Also just break up with them instead of cheating. No one wants to be cheated on :l
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